
njwrstlr is recommended by dcwrestler (4/10/2019)

This guy is every bit as tough and tenacious as his profile suggests. We had a competitive match, and boy did we work up a sweat. I can take a lot on the mats, but he definitely put that endurance and stamina to the test. On top of that, he's a great conversation and handsome as hell, if you're ever eager for a workout, see if he's willing to put you through the ringer.


Andys80 is recommended by Mat74 (4/10/2019)

La prima cosa che mi sorge spontanea per descrivere Andrea dopo averlo conosciuto di persona è che è un vero atleta. Terra, acqua e vento sono gli elementi primari che questo ragazzo sa addomesticare e dominare grazie alle sue naturali doti sportive. E la natura, a tratti ancora aspra e selvaggia, ha fatto da proscenio al nostro primo incontro. In un teatro insolito e suggestivo, circondato da vette rocciose, mi sono ritrovato di fronte un avversario parimenti ... roccioso. Dotato di un gran fisico, affronta la lotta con tutta la sicurezza che gli deriva dal suo background atletico. Il risultato è stato un match intenso, sudato e divertente in cui Andrea ha dato sfoggio e dimostrazione anche di un innato senso tattico riuscendo spesso a conquistare posizioni di vantaggio difficili per me da rovesciare. Insomma un talento nato per correre e ora anche per lottare. Dentro e fuori dalla competizione persona ospitale, sorridente, sagace e dotata di grande simpatia. Spero di poterlo incontrare di nuovo nel prossimo futuro per un rematch ancora più lungo e combattuto. Considero quello appena passato solo un antipasto...😉. 👍👍 raccomandatissimo 👍👍!!!


Steve Shock is recommended by Shadow Knight (4/09/2019)

ShockR vs Steve Shock has finally happened! Although small in stature (well compared to me obviously) he is a feisty little heel but I managed to put a few moves on him but in the end the better heel won. 100% recommendation from me for my return to wrestling 😀

Round two needs to come soon but this time in the ring which is my domain, then we shall see who is the better heel


Tom 87 is recommended by poolpartyboy (4/09/2019)

leuke spontane en leergierige kerel
hij is niet ervaren maar na wat uitleg en na wat technieken oefenen rustig gaan worstelen en snapte het al vrij snel en kreeg de handelingen en technieken al snel onder controle ik zou zeggen ga zo door met oefenen en dan ben je er helemaal klaar voor hoop je vaker moge te helpen met het leren van tactieken en technieken
thanks kerel


Tiomorbo is recommended by wrestlerdu (4/09/2019)

Tiomorbo is a strong 💪 fighter, and a nice one. 👍With which you can fight harder, but always with respect, we both had a lot of fun with the fight. I can only recommend Tiomorbo. I'm looking forward to the next meeting.👏


Rovky35Wpt is recommended by ruhrfighter (4/09/2019)

Das erste Treffen mit Rovky35Wpt war bestimmt nicht das letzte. Er hat einiges drauf, hat mir vieles gezeigt und glänzt auch abseits der Matte mit spannenden Gesprächen. Es hat riesig Spaß gemacht!


DenverWrestler is recommended by ghostblinks (4/09/2019)

Troisième haïku de printemps (Third spring haïku)
The legend is like a comet flying accross the universe.
Meeting him is a galactic honor as you get the chance once in a lifetime.
Accretion is the lead word that comes to my mind.
Accretion of past opponents caught in the gravity field of his charisma.
Accretion of skills and pure strength, there was no way I could compete.
Accretion of proofs of his obvious domination, I was rarely crushed that fast.
Perfect guest, as sweet as the most friendly funny bunny.
Let the legend keep on extending his fame on earth.
Please open your arms to welcome the celestial champion.


Mason314 is recommended by Nyboy19ad8 (4/09/2019)

Mason is a fun, friendly, and strong guy. Legs of steel and really knows how to stretch a guy. Easy to set up a match with - we’re lucky to have him moving to New York. Highly recommended.


ghostblinks is recommended by DenverWrestler (4/09/2019)

I can honestly say that of all my hundreds of opponents on this site, ghostblinks is the quickest. He has amazing speed, and you don't know where he, his legs, or his arms, will be next. I am much heavier and stronger, and lucky for me, we had a very small space to wrestle in, so he couldn't slip away from me forever. But in addition to his speed, he has plenty of skill, and he is much stronger than any 'normal' person of his weight. Setting up the match could not have been easier, and he kept me informed of his arrival status. Off the mats, he's a friendly, warm, sweet guy, and it was as much a pleasure to get to know him as it was to wrestle him. And above all, he was a real good sport to take on someone of my size – I don't know if I would have the guts to take on someone who outweighed me by more than 40%. So it goes without saying that I highly recommend him, and he will be competitive with guys much bigger than he is.


luttenu is recommended by DenverWrestler (4/09/2019)

A reliable friendly guy who was kind enough to come to my hotel while in Paris. He has had serious back issues and has been out of action for a while, but now he's doing fine and just getting back into matches. from what I can tell, he hasn't lost much strength, and he's certainly still in good shape. The space we had for wrestling was too small to do much, but we did roll around some, and I showed him some basic BJJ moves. He's nice guy, and I'm glad to see him getting back into action. I'm sure he'll be quite a handful once he recovers his fitness and strength.
