It was a year after that cousin fight. The summer of my 14 years. In camp on the Atlantic coast. Feeling bad about myself with the 14 year olds who only thought about flirting with the group of girls of the same age, I frequented the 13 year olds who were still a bit like kids or I quickly made friends with a nice boy who, like me, spoke often prowrestling matches seen on tv in the previous months. We had found each other...
....and had found a scheme to be alone together in the dormitory for a slot of 5 to 10 minutes, about one day out of three, to exchange a few submission holds that were quickly botched due to the lapse of time, a little too short that we had and the "ring" a little too small that was one of our 80 cm wide beds. I dominated 55 to 60% of these short struggles thanks to my 14-year-old body, which was superior to his still somewhat boyish 13-year-old body. However, he held me back and said he could do much better with a little more time and space for these confrontations.
Towards the end of the stay the animators take us to play collective games in a dune area. And once these group games are over, we are left free for 1 hour. I immediately suggest that we move away as much as possible to find a dune just for the two us, quiet, where we can make THE decisive MATCH which will be more valuable than all the previous ones because of the much better combat conditions we have: time and space In addition, you can wear simple swimming trunks, whereas in the dormitory you had to keep shorts.. T-shirt and shoes.
For 5 to 10 minutes the fight is balanced. Then I managed to put him in a classic headlock on the ground. I often beat him like that on the bed. Except that there, on the sand...bare-chested...he does to me the trick of those rare pro wrestlers who get out of this hold by doing little jerks...little undulations of the body allowing them, little to little, to slip the head out of the arm of the opponent. Where the hell did he learn to reproduce this trick that few pro wrestlers master? Time to be surprised and he jumps on me very quickly, applying the same hold on me while I'm on my stomach. I let him take a little enjoy from dominating, feeling that I have the physical means to get out of it...probably more in strength and power than in subtle maneuvers like him. But whatever, I'm going to eject it and regain control. Except that after a minute, when I decide to react...I notice with horror that I have a terrible cock coming out of my small speedo and the tip ending up on the hot sand...which increases the excitement. No question of surpassing the hold and regaining the upper hand with the penis stretched to the max and half exhibited out of the little swimsuit. I feel like I'm stuck. He must have perceived my sudden weakness.....because he squeezed the grip harder, which resulted in...suddenly causing all the jute to rise....and there....stunned...without he knows what's going on, I spit my cum under my belly in the sand. He asks me twice: "so minus……are you really giving up? " Surprised that he gave me a somewhat pejorative qualifier, which he had never done before, I heard myself answer with great dismay "yes... I surrender". Without letting go and in a tone that was both enthusiastic and a little mocking, he said: "Is that sure? Are you giving up? Do you recognize that of the two of us, I'm the best wrestler?" "Yes yes ok I answer".... He insists "So say it.......say that I am the best...the final winner !..."OK, OK you are the best wrestler.. have won the decisive match! " He releases the hold saying a couple of unpleasant words "you weren't very brilliant, the tall 14-year-old boy.. in fact I beat you easy"
I can't answer anything except to claim an impossible rematch since the camp ends the next day and we're heading each other to very distant cities. I lie flat on my stomach, pretending to be tired and exhausted. There is no question of moving until " dickie" has resumed his place in the bathing trunks and the sand that has drunk my cum , didn't dry up. My opponent takes the opportunity to put a foot on my back. I guess he is raising his arms .. enjoying the moment. Then he says "it's time to join the group.... .. " . He picks up our 2 t-shirts and throws mine at me with a gesture that is both violent and contemptuous, saying . "here .. here are your clothes....shabby boy." Then he leaves leaving me still lying on the belly that I can finally take off from the ground where the dune sand has absorbed everything .... erasing all traces of my misfortuneThe evening that followed just like the next day then as we prepared to leave, we both smoked a little cold. I didn't blame him for having beaten me (somehow this orgasm had given me a strong and intense pleasure) but for his change of attitude as soon as he forced me to give up. Especially since he continued in the same tone, slightly contemptuous, mocking and condescending. For my part, I could not admit what had hindered me and prevented me from freeing myself and continuing the fight. No doubt I had disappointed this boy not to have put up much better resistance to give up so pathetically. In any case, I could not invoke the slightest excuse or justification. I could therefore only recognize my status as an overrated opponent before revealing itself to be rather weak despite his age and size and, in any case, easy to defeat and crush
On school I wrestled a lot with a few class mates, someone of them say let we do after every match that the one who loses, loose one piece of clothes he wear we started all in boxershort, shirt and a short pants it was exited and after a whyle a few where in boxershort, and if fighting all where exited but now we could see that in the boxershorts, we wrestled till everyone was nude, and did nude wrestling but all things where aloud, so much fun we had we jerked eachother and fuck
We did this a lot of times we enjoyed it together
I loved to wrestle with my friends as a teen, every chance I got. Most we did was fight shirtless in shorts, but I fantasized about naked matches all the time
When I was a teenager my friend and I had a nude wrestling match two hot in shape 16 year olds straining against each other our rock hard dicks rubbing against each other as we both strained to win I eventually got him on his stomach and was able to plunge my dick into his sexy ass as I heard him moan I asked if he gave up and he said yes I continued to fuck him and told him to tell he loved it when he did it was the most explosive and long orgasm I’ve had to this day
This happened to me a few times! Oh boy this post brought back memories. My favourite one, was when my room-mate and I were in our room in sarongs and shirtless (that's how we were normally) started to tease each other. One thing led to another and we started grappling (we never had done that before). For those who are unacquainted Sarongs are very loose garments, so at one point his almost fell off, so then we decided to put on underpants and continue. It got very sweaty and very competitive. At one point, my upper body was hanging from the bed and he was on top of me. My legs were wrapped around him, and his torso was against my crotch. I kept trying to get up, and he kept pushing me down. And after a while in that position I could feel myself cumming !!! And he was still on top of me, and I was very embarrassed. I then said "I give" and he let go. I am sure he must have felt that I cummed.. but I never mentioned it, and he never said anything. We never rough housed till the point of cumming again. But I still wonder whether he knew.
And the funny part is, I wasn't even having a boner! I always wondered if others have had similar experiences of ejaculating without a hard on. That is my favourite and most embarrassing wrestling memory ever :)
As a young man a friend and I did judo practice in his parents cellar room where they had matts. We wore gi and were both orange belts. Usually we did some practice before getting more competitive.
I got hard and I new he did too, it's obvious when you can feel your opponents hard on as you do groundwork.
On one day we'd done more fighting than practicing and were both hard. At one point I was struggling to get out of a hold and could feel that I was going to cum. I tapped and he released and, as he got off me, I pulled my gi trousers down and shot my load. He looked shocked but then grinned and took his trousers off and wanked over me adding his load to mine.
Ich war 13 Jahre alt und habe damals einige Male mit Eberhard, dem Stärksten aus unserer Klasse, gerungen. Ich hatte keine Chance gegen ihn. Aber er wohnte in der Nachbarschaft und war jederzeit zu einem Ringkampf bereit. Also habe ich ihn öfters herausgefordert, wenn ich Lust auf einen Kampf hatte. Ein einziges Mal schien ich ihm gegenüber im Vorteil zu sein. Wir knieten beide im Kampf miteinander auf dem Boden, er seitlich vor mir. Schnell umklammerte ich mit beiden Armen seinen Oberkörper um ihn in die Rückenlage zu bringen. Dabei kam mein harter Penis heftig in Kontakt mit dem Oberschenkel von Eberhard. Ich weiß nicht, ob er meinen harten Penis spürte und extra gegen ihn drückte. Jedenfalls spritze ich sofort ab. Erschrocken lockerte ich unwillkürlich meinen Klammergriff. Eberhard reagierte sofort, packte mich, brachte mich in die Rückenlage und legte sich der Länge nach auf mich. Sein Gesicht war nun direkt über meinem. Wir haben nicht angesprochen, was passiert war. Aber sein schadenfrohes Grinsen machte mir klar, dass er gemerkt hatte, was passiert war. Und natürlich konnte ich mich, unter dem ohnehin Stärkeren liegend, nicht mehr befreien und habe auch diesen Kampf gegen ihn verloren.
I love judo, specially when it gets erotic, I was a brown belt but this one guy (lets say John older more experienced guy) who was a black belt would always grab me for randori whenever he could. He used me as a sex toy without anyone knowing, he could work my cock until it was swollen, a little touch of my skin, he would massage my dick when he pinned me, a sexy little sole to sole footsie, tickle my toes with his toes he gave me a foot fetish, wow! he was so good with his feet but my weakness was tate shiho gatame, his tight grapevine meant our cocks were cushioned together his head was resting on my shoulder cheek to cheek he whispered you are mine to dominate then clamped me in his sexual judo embrace started slightly humping my cock, god I was so aroused, hard, engorged, that in just a few of his cock thrusts I judo jizzed with a nngghh, he released me smiled and stood over my conquered body and Said "I'll be at your place tomorrow night"... What a night that was, but that's another story..
I did as a younger guy in high school. Wrestling a friend of mine. Just t-shirts and jeans at my house. I was getting all worked up from the wrestling and got his head trapped between my legs in a scissor. I was grinding against the back of his head as he struggled to get free. It got me really hard. The dude was strong and ended up getting on his knees while I still had him in the hold. Picture putting someone in a pile driver and that’s the position I had him in but we were both on the ground. He finally got up on his knees and flipped me backwards. I bumped my head on the carpet and tumbled, landing on my back underneath him.
So now, the dude is straddling my face. He is also a giant smart ass, so he immediately jumps up and slides his knees apart, dropping his ass right on my face. Little bastard just face sits me and pulls my hair. Starts counting me out. Of course, that was it for me. I came hard in my jeans. 🫢
I was a little bit shocked and humiliated. I got my arms free and pushed the guy off me, but he was laughing so hard he didn’t notice what happened. Thank God. I just shook my head in annoyance and walked into the other room, pretending to go pee. That’s when I changed my underwear and pretended nothing happened. He never knew.
gegcatch (0)
25/9/2023 11:12It was a year after that cousin fight. The summer of my 14 years. In camp on the Atlantic coast. Feeling bad about myself with the 14 year olds who only thought about flirting with the group of girls of the same age, I frequented the 13 year olds who were still a bit like kids or I quickly made friends with a nice boy who, like me, spoke often prowrestling matches seen on tv in the previous months. We had found each other...
....and had found a scheme to be alone together in the dormitory for a slot of 5 to 10 minutes, about one day out of three, to exchange a few submission holds that were quickly botched due to the lapse of time, a little too short that we had and the "ring" a little too small that was one of our 80 cm wide beds. I dominated 55 to 60% of these short struggles thanks to my 14-year-old body, which was superior to his still somewhat boyish 13-year-old body. However, he held me back and said he could do much better with a little more time and space for these confrontations.
Towards the end of the stay the animators take us to play collective games in a dune area. And once these group games are over, we are left free for 1 hour. I immediately suggest that we move away as much as possible to find a dune just for the two us, quiet, where we can make THE decisive MATCH which will be more valuable than all the previous ones because of the much better combat conditions we have: time and space In addition, you can wear simple swimming trunks, whereas in the dormitory you had to keep shorts.. T-shirt and shoes.
For 5 to 10 minutes the fight is balanced. Then I managed to put him in a classic headlock on the ground. I often beat him like that on the bed. Except that there, on the sand...bare-chested...he does to me the trick of those rare pro wrestlers who get out of this hold by doing little jerks...little undulations of the body allowing them, little to little, to slip the head out of the arm of the opponent. Where the hell did he learn to reproduce this trick that few pro wrestlers master? Time to be surprised and he jumps on me very quickly, applying the same hold on me while I'm on my stomach. I let him take a little enjoy from dominating, feeling that I have the physical means to get out of it...probably more in strength and power than in subtle maneuvers like him. But whatever, I'm going to eject it and regain control. Except that after a minute, when I decide to react...I notice with horror that I have a terrible cock coming out of my small speedo and the tip ending up on the hot sand...which increases the excitement. No question of surpassing the hold and regaining the upper hand with the penis stretched to the max and half exhibited out of the little swimsuit. I feel like I'm stuck. He must have perceived my sudden weakness.....because he squeezed the grip harder, which resulted in...suddenly causing all the jute to rise....and there....stunned...without he knows what's going on, I spit my cum under my belly in the sand. He asks me twice: "so minus……are you really giving up? " Surprised that he gave me a somewhat pejorative qualifier, which he had never done before, I heard myself answer with great dismay "yes... I surrender". Without letting go and in a tone that was both enthusiastic and a little mocking, he said: "Is that sure? Are you giving up? Do you recognize that of the two of us, I'm the best wrestler?" "Yes yes ok I answer".... He insists "So say it.......say that I am the best...the final winner !..."OK, OK you are the best wrestler.. have won the decisive match! " He releases the hold saying a couple of unpleasant words "you weren't very brilliant, the tall 14-year-old boy.. in fact I beat you easy"
I can't answer anything except to claim an impossible rematch since the camp ends the next day and we're heading each other to very distant cities. I lie flat on my stomach, pretending to be tired and exhausted. There is no question of moving until " dickie" has resumed his place in the bathing trunks and the sand that has drunk my cum , didn't dry up. My opponent takes the opportunity to put a foot on my back. I guess he is raising his arms .. enjoying the moment. Then he says "it's time to join the group.... .. " . He picks up our 2 t-shirts and throws mine at me with a gesture that is both violent and contemptuous, saying . "here .. here are your clothes....shabby boy." Then he leaves leaving me still lying on the belly that I can finally take off from the ground where the dune sand has absorbed everything .... erasing all traces of my misfortuneThe evening that followed just like the next day then as we prepared to leave, we both smoked a little cold. I didn't blame him for having beaten me (somehow this orgasm had given me a strong and intense pleasure) but for his change of attitude as soon as he forced me to give up. Especially since he continued in the same tone, slightly contemptuous, mocking and condescending. For my part, I could not admit what had hindered me and prevented me from freeing myself and continuing the fight. No doubt I had disappointed this boy not to have put up much better resistance to give up so pathetically. In any case, I could not invoke the slightest excuse or justification. I could therefore only recognize my status as an overrated opponent before revealing itself to be rather weak despite his age and size and, in any case, easy to defeat and crush
Jongenjari (0)
15/9/2023 13:25On school I wrestled a lot with a few class mates, someone of them say let we do after every match that the one who loses, loose one piece of clothes he wear we started all in boxershort, shirt and a short pants it was exited and after a whyle a few where in boxershort, and if fighting all where exited but now we could see that in the boxershorts, we wrestled till everyone was nude, and did nude wrestling but all things where aloud, so much fun we had we jerked eachother and fuck
We did this a lot of times we enjoyed it together
Richie4711 (0 )
8 dias atrás(em resposta à...)
Oh mein Gott...da wäre ich gerne dabei gewesen und du würdest mein Favorit sein.
Mmky0906 (0)
13/9/2023 10:39I loved to wrestle with my friends as a teen, every chance I got. Most we did was fight shirtless in shorts, but I fantasized about naked matches all the time
newbie1960 (0)
06/9/2023 18:59When I was a teenager my friend and I had a nude wrestling match two hot in shape 16 year olds straining against each other our rock hard dicks rubbing against each other as we both strained to win I eventually got him on his stomach and was able to plunge my dick into his sexy ass as I heard him moan I asked if he gave up and he said yes I continued to fuck him and told him to tell he loved it when he did it was the most explosive and long orgasm I’ve had to this day
Jjwithamlao (2 )
12/8/2023 21:42Happened for a guy I was wrestling, rarely happens for me though. Maybe afterwards
seal fighter (0)
23/7/2023 06:21I want someone to fuck me while we fight. that would be very exciting
calfboy3 (0)
05/9/2023 02:25(em resposta à...)
patrick la route (0)
01/8/2023 08:17(em resposta à...)
Hum yes it's good to give all... and wrestling with top man
TacoDad1 (3)
23/7/2023 08:16(em resposta à...)
I would love to pin you down for a good fucking.
patrick la route (0)
01/8/2023 08:17(em resposta à...)
Oui attrape moi et vas-y bien fort !!
Small package (0)
19/6/2023 17:03Was 13 me n my m8 nude in local woods we rolled up and came at time .
lets grapple (2)
19/6/2023 15:54This happened to me a few times! Oh boy this post brought back memories. My favourite one, was when my room-mate and I were in our room in sarongs and shirtless (that's how we were normally) started to tease each other. One thing led to another and we started grappling (we never had done that before). For those who are unacquainted Sarongs are very loose garments, so at one point his almost fell off, so then we decided to put on underpants and continue. It got very sweaty and very competitive. At one point, my upper body was hanging from the bed and he was on top of me. My legs were wrapped around him, and his torso was against my crotch. I kept trying to get up, and he kept pushing me down. And after a while in that position I could feel myself cumming !!! And he was still on top of me, and I was very embarrassed. I then said "I give" and he let go. I am sure he must have felt that I cummed.. but I never mentioned it, and he never said anything. We never rough housed till the point of cumming again. But I still wonder whether he knew.
And the funny part is, I wasn't even having a boner! I always wondered if others have had similar experiences of ejaculating without a hard on. That is my favourite and most embarrassing wrestling memory ever :)
patrick la route (0)
03/7/2023 14:16(em resposta à...)
Hum good man, thnk's for the xxxx
TacoDad1 (3)
19/6/2023 13:19Happened to me a few times.
Eastcoast555 (1)
17/6/2023 09:24As a young man a friend and I did judo practice in his parents cellar room where they had matts. We wore gi and were both orange belts. Usually we did some practice before getting more competitive.
I got hard and I new he did too, it's obvious when you can feel your opponents hard on as you do groundwork.
On one day we'd done more fighting than practicing and were both hard. At one point I was struggling to get out of a hold and could feel that I was going to cum. I tapped and he released and, as he got off me, I pulled my gi trousers down and shot my load. He looked shocked but then grinned and took his trousers off and wanked over me adding his load to mine.
Mike1964 (0)
10/9/2023 20:51(em resposta à...)
Ich war 13 Jahre alt und habe damals einige Male mit Eberhard, dem Stärksten aus unserer Klasse, gerungen. Ich hatte keine Chance gegen ihn. Aber er wohnte in der Nachbarschaft und war jederzeit zu einem Ringkampf bereit. Also habe ich ihn öfters herausgefordert, wenn ich Lust auf einen Kampf hatte. Ein einziges Mal schien ich ihm gegenüber im Vorteil zu sein. Wir knieten beide im Kampf miteinander auf dem Boden, er seitlich vor mir. Schnell umklammerte ich mit beiden Armen seinen Oberkörper um ihn in die Rückenlage zu bringen. Dabei kam mein harter Penis heftig in Kontakt mit dem Oberschenkel von Eberhard. Ich weiß nicht, ob er meinen harten Penis spürte und extra gegen ihn drückte. Jedenfalls spritze ich sofort ab. Erschrocken lockerte ich unwillkürlich meinen Klammergriff. Eberhard reagierte sofort, packte mich, brachte mich in die Rückenlage und legte sich der Länge nach auf mich. Sein Gesicht war nun direkt über meinem. Wir haben nicht angesprochen, was passiert war. Aber sein schadenfrohes Grinsen machte mir klar, dass er gemerkt hatte, was passiert war. Und natürlich konnte ich mich, unter dem ohnehin Stärkeren liegend, nicht mehr befreien und habe auch diesen Kampf gegen ihn verloren.
seal fighter (0)
23/7/2023 06:24(em resposta à...)
What an experience. got me horny
toriuke (0)
21/7/2023 14:41(em resposta à...)
I love judo, specially when it gets erotic, I was a brown belt but this one guy (lets say John older more experienced guy) who was a black belt would always grab me for randori whenever he could. He used me as a sex toy without anyone knowing, he could work my cock until it was swollen, a little touch of my skin, he would massage my dick when he pinned me, a sexy little sole to sole footsie, tickle my toes with his toes he gave me a foot fetish, wow! he was so good with his feet but my weakness was tate shiho gatame, his tight grapevine meant our cocks were cushioned together his head was resting on my shoulder cheek to cheek he whispered you are mine to dominate then clamped me in his sexual judo embrace started slightly humping my cock, god I was so aroused, hard, engorged, that in just a few of his cock thrusts I judo jizzed with a nngghh, he released me smiled and stood over my conquered body and Said "I'll be at your place tomorrow night"... What a night that was, but that's another story..
calfboy3 (0)
05/9/2023 02:27(em resposta à...)
patrick la route (0)
03/7/2023 14:18(em resposta à...)
Hello man, it's good handsome !! thank's
ant-tor (6)
16/6/2023 19:03Has anyone ever came by accident while wrestling. Either or erotic or an actual match. Love to hear. Happy wrestling!
Ruffdupjobber (5)
18/6/2023 23:14(em resposta à...)
actually happens to me alot and love it!
patrick la route (0)
03/7/2023 14:19(em resposta à...)
Yes i'ts nice, me too ! hummmm
Rock solid5 (0)
18/6/2023 15:44(em resposta à...)
Happened to me once
Bill Parker (47)
17/6/2023 05:26(em resposta à...)
I did as a younger guy in high school. Wrestling a friend of mine. Just t-shirts and jeans at my house. I was getting all worked up from the wrestling and got his head trapped between my legs in a scissor. I was grinding against the back of his head as he struggled to get free. It got me really hard. The dude was strong and ended up getting on his knees while I still had him in the hold. Picture putting someone in a pile driver and that’s the position I had him in but we were both on the ground. He finally got up on his knees and flipped me backwards. I bumped my head on the carpet and tumbled, landing on my back underneath him.
So now, the dude is straddling my face. He is also a giant smart ass, so he immediately jumps up and slides his knees apart, dropping his ass right on my face. Little bastard just face sits me and pulls my hair. Starts counting me out. Of course, that was it for me. I came hard in my jeans. 🫢
I was a little bit shocked and humiliated. I got my arms free and pushed the guy off me, but he was laughing so hard he didn’t notice what happened. Thank God. I just shook my head in annoyance and walked into the other room, pretending to go pee. That’s when I changed my underwear and pretended nothing happened. He never knew.
seal fighter (0)
23/7/2023 06:29(em resposta à...)
Very exciting. You can cum on me 🙊
LuchadorChinito (105 )
18/6/2023 18:36(em resposta à...)
wow, what a great story!!! please share more !!!!