Letting your partner know about Meetfighters?

HammerLock (1)

17/2/2022 21:16

Good discussion. Always a dilemma.


new2crew (13)

13/2/2022 22:18

For me, it turned out pretty easy because we’re both kinky so very early in the relationship we were talking about our kinks and I brought up wrestling and this site. Maybe ask if he has any kinks as an opportunity to bring this up. My partner and I are open with the only rule being to tell the other person if we meet up with someone. We started out monogamous but allowed to chat with others online and with the understanding we’d open up after a few months. Then we said we had to discuss beforehand. And now we just say to tell the other at some point that day (our work schedules don’t line up so I wouldn’t want him to miss out on fun just because I’m in a meeting). My biggest recommendation is just to limit the number of rules and make sure he not only agrees to follow the rule but also feels the same way about wanting any particular rule. Most open relationships I know of that didn’t work out have been due to 5 million rules imposed by 1 person and the other inevitably breaks 1 rule accidentally


WrestleForFun NL (11)

13/2/2022 23:22

(em resposta à...)

Thank you for the great explanation! My boyfriend is sadly not into wrestling or other kinks so he has a bit of trouble understanding what I like so much about the wrestling…


HammerLock (1)

13/2/2022 19:16

Good point. Be honest from the outset.


WrestleForFun NL (11)

13/2/2022 19:25

(em resposta à...)

Thank you 😊


WrestleForFun NL (11)

13/2/2022 16:54

A question for all who managed to tell their partner about this website and hobby:

Can you please tell me how you broke the news about wrestling and MF to your partner? I have a boyfriend now and don't want to wrestle behind his back…

(If applicable) Can you also please tell me which limits to erotics you impose? I was thinking the underpants of both should stay on and no kissing on the mouth. Are these too little limits?

Eager to hear your input!

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