MeetFightersGrupos de InteresseBigger VS Smaller MatchesLIGHTWEIGHT vs HEAVYWEIGHT Bigger VS Smaller Matches Aderir a este Grupo de InteresseTópicosMembros 2182Galeria 292LIGHTWEIGHT vs HEAVYWEIGHT RoughPlayNNJ (13 )02/12/2014 07:55 Love meeting tough smaller studs who can wrestle me down. Love to be controlled by hot small dudes with attitude. Traduzir jason (27)02/12/2014 18:55 (em resposta à...)I would be happy to take you on! Traduzir RoughPlayNNJ (13 )02/12/2014 21:31 (em resposta à...)Hey Jason I would enjoy that! Traduzir wrestlerspig (14)02/8/2014 05:30 Red Daddy, Can the jobber be 185lbs? Oink. I would love to have you kick my ass for real. Traduzir RED DADDY (3)02/8/2014 06:53 (em resposta à...)well that would only mean about a 35 pound difference...not exactly what I was seeking..thanks anyway..RD Traduzir RED DADDY (3)01/8/2014 23:09 I am 228 lber TOP AGGRESSIVE HEEL that would love to do battle with a LIGHTWEIGHT (100-150lb) wrestler IN ATLNTA GA Either live here and wrestle your place or a traveler at your hotel! GREAT TIMES-epic battle! Traduzir Precisas iniciar sessão para postares um comentário. Inicia sessão se desejas criar tópicos e respondê-los.
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
02/12/2014 07:55Love meeting tough smaller studs who can wrestle me down. Love to be controlled by hot small dudes with attitude.
jason (27)
02/12/2014 18:55(em resposta à...)
I would be happy to take you on!
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
02/12/2014 21:31(em resposta à...)
Hey Jason I would enjoy that!
wrestlerspig (14)
02/8/2014 05:30Red Daddy,
Can the jobber be 185lbs? Oink. I would love to have you kick my ass for real.
02/8/2014 06:53(em resposta à...)
well that would only mean about a 35 pound difference...not exactly what I was seeking..thanks anyway..RD
01/8/2014 23:09I am 228 lber TOP AGGRESSIVE HEEL that
would love to do battle with a LIGHTWEIGHT
(100-150lb) wrestler IN ATLNTA GA
Either live here and wrestle your place or a
traveler at your hotel! GREAT TIMES-epic battle!