
Bout Photography - more than an iPhone grab...

quasiotter (7)

20/1/2018 08:28

I'm with you on this! I don't like seeing myself on video, but I think it's worth to post my stuff to share with others. I'm more interested in community building than showing off. I try to record every meet, if my opponent is comfortable with it.

I try my best to evenly light the area and record from a tripod. But then again, I did study photography and video in university, so I'm a little picky with what I shoot, even thought it's not always up to my ideals.

Thanks for the post!


BilBeaux (0)

20/1/2018 03:34

Used to work with a guy who was on GlobalFight - who always recorded his home or hotel bouts “for safety”. Then on a mini dv camera with a wide angle lens.
Though I might say that it was a souvenir for him.
I thought that it was a good idea.

Some digital still cameras can be set up for time lapse of a bout. Anyone trying that?
Put them on a table-top tripod. Have a big card in your camera.

A lot of video seen here is too dark or the lens wasn’t wide enough to include the action.
No, I am not trying to make cinematographers out of you.
Just suggesting that you buy an accessory wider - not fisheye lens - for your iPhone.
Amazon has both phone and iPad holders - put them on a small table-top tripod to position your cameras better. Or on a real cheapie tripod.
Hell, Amazon sells everything for trunks and gloves, too.
Discretely delivered to your home.

No, I am not saying - put a GoPro in your headgear - though I bet someone reading this will try it!

What camera would you use?
GoPros are great outside but need a lot of video indoors.
If you shoot video - tell us about your gear.

Shouldn’t we all video meet-ups and bouts?

The issue of privacy comes up if you have a third man in the room to do video. Can be a safety feature or just another guy to fight with.

At least shouldn’t you take before and after cel phone camera shots of the fighters?
In case of too many facial hits, rug burns and temporarily dislocated body parts...

Maybe not immediately post them to the web without your fellow combatants permission.

How about your unlacing the gloves to give us feedback.

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