
1st to cum win oder Cock Fight Duell

Northfight (0)

13/9/2019 15:50

Yes, A real fantasy of mine also, battle before our women.


Corbin (0)

13/9/2019 09:36

ja das ist eine echt heisse Kiste und schon lange ein all time favorite. von mir. Am liebsten jedoch mit einer oder zwei Frauen (falls Partnerinnen) die zuschauen und anfeuern.


BeTrayedBetrayal (89 )

13/9/2019 05:16

1st to cum wins? i am down


Corbin (0)

13/9/2019 09:45

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one of my all time favorite fetish fantasies. Truly hot thought. Would love to do it with one or two female spectators (wife/gf). She/they should contribute in some way such as egging the fighters on and voice their sexual arousal. Sje7They could also be helpful right at the start of the cockfight. Bringing the cocks together and yelling or whispering Sexy and raspy) the start signal


rogerjackson100 (0)

16/9/2019 22:47

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it's also a favorite fetish fantasy of mine. A nude sex fight with another man while my bitch ex-wife watched


legpower63 (4)

18/9/2019 21:32

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I had it twice but without Visitors. We were wanking our cocks before fight and started immediately to fight.
It was an unforgettable challenge for us


Biggerbear (1)

13/9/2019 15:06

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Would love to do this. A favorite fantasy of mine too, just as you describe. Let’s do this and find the females to egg us on.


lakul (2)

12/9/2019 20:20

Hi, suche Gegner für live oder Skype Duelle. Wer hat Lust. Grüße


austrianguy (4 )

14/9/2019 05:26

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ff_ratte, auf, skype, jetzt,.

^^ ;-))))

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