If I were in Sweden would offer you a coaching session. We would start with a NHB fight between us so you understand what it is like to have a beating and lose. That will build your incentive to win in the future. Then we work together to train you until you are good enough to win, occasionally.
I really do love the match up of an older fighter with a younger one (the dad/son combo I suppose). I like to see the older male be a type of coach or trainer to the the younger guy, showing him the ropes and training and toughening the young male up.
Not necessarily going easy but I find the age gap dynamic to be very primal with the older male passing on 'survival skills' to the younger.
How about two older guys who bring their boys to wrestle? Dads watch sons go at it for a few submissions. Then dads wrestle each other to show sons how real men fight. Losing dad has to hand over his son to winning dad for a stakes match.
I am so into everything you wrote. That is exactly how i see a good DAD SON tournaments. I can host, got a wrestling ring in my basement, and so into dad son fight..sex
ahaha rough tought, in all the way possible.. smashing on the gorund a son that thought he could beatme off, and then use him as my winner prize is what turn me on the most
Good man. I know the feeling when you meet your opponent for the first time and know you are about to get beat up and used. heart sinks. check around for immediate escape and finding none know you have to fight. you do your best but to no avail. you know whats coming.
gotta interject here, coach ! ive NEVER felt the fear of "oh my god im gonna get beat bad, so i have to flee" ; i get the opposite feeling ; that while i know im gonna get demolished, i wont let any man think id take the cowardly way out ; in a sense, id rather be "offed" than run !
that way, whoever the heel is knows its been an honor to beat me down ; and ill take my domination with honor too !
son, you seem to truly understand the most important dynamic about being a man (masculine etc) ; and that it stems often (mostly) from physical encounters between older and younger men ; especially in the power/passion realm.
wrestling that is all; out physical from the athletic to the erotic.
for who could show the younger male what it is to be a man and to take it like a man - and at times, the reverse
and that winning - and losing - takes honor ; right ?
with that, i wish you were closer ! cause we could have the most intense (and profound) fights (and more)
There's nothing quite like demonstrating your masculinity than striping down and engaging in a healthy bout of competitive wrestling, particularly when there is a decent sized age difference. I suppose it's a natural instinct to try and beat the 'other generation'. Plays into a lot of cultural and social ideals, my favourite of which is on the mats.
i couldn't agree more, son - its totally natural / instinctual for a younger male to show his masculinity power strength to an older male ; and conversely for an older male to "teach" a younger male the basics of being truly manly - all especially apparent and powerful on the mats
that said, the matches MUST end with some sort of honorable service from the males bested towards the victorious male ; and thusly the dominated male can further absorb the winning male's superior (at that moment) male essence - agreed, sport ?
It would be the natural order of physical combat for the dominated or bested male to submit to the dominant male in various ways, although with full agreement on terms beforehand of course.
to a point, yes, son ; but naturally the victor does have some leeway, as is his right. further, both the son and dad, jock and coach should take full responsibility - and expect - that the outcome of every match SHOULD include an element of natural erotic transference of masculine energy (as a way of saying the loser's taking in the winner's aura is TOTALLY and absolutely necessary - in order for the match(es) to be as ultimate as possible.)
coach, you remind me that no matter how much experience i get, i still have a lot to learn ; and that you'd be QUITE the formidable foe and teacher ; with rewards (a win win) for both involved, i am sure !
Love to see a hot boxing match with the 'dad' ending up KO'd on his back and the 'son' standing over him with his foot on his chest. If the 'son' is at least 18, love to see a nude fight like that!
well if you were wimpy growing up, you sure grew into quite a hunky daddy. meanwhile i think the hotter match would be the one brother being beaten down by his muscle dad AND muscle brother ; and being able to withstand it all ; even being taken down, it shows the dude is just as manly - managing it all, coach. dontcha think ?
"i think us bare fisted and punching each other is how it should be, dad"... That's a great idea for a father vs son match, could you write a whole story about it? Would be great.
Boxing naked... the 'son' wears down the 'dad'; at the end he's exhausted, no longer able to raise his gloves enough to defend himself... he gets backed into the corner and is finished with an uppercut. Down he goes, ending up on his back with his gloves over his head. He hears himself being counted out and is aware that his young opponent is resting his foot on his sweaty, bare chest.
in many ways, id fucking love to bash you right in the jaw and lights out for sure, dad ; but thats only after you've beaten me up a few times (and taken my ass as your prize)
indeed, dudes - the pairing of a dad and son (coach and jock) in a fight (and eventually more) is THE most powerful, profound, passionate - and masculine - of all interactions ; no matter which man wins (or loses) its about "manhood's rites of passage" ;
Im lucky in that I wrestle from both perspectives : sometimes as the son ; sometimes as the dad.
Wish that all wrestlers (and men in general) could accept and admit the importance of this kind of bond !
I agree, coach ! I need to show you how much more advanced I've become ; and ready (almost ?!) to show you who is the superior male ! Im thinking it may take you - and a fellow coach (dad) - to take me down properly ! But then again, maybe Im just being a COCKy jock son - and you could still take me down easily enough (even with one hand tied behind your back) ; Cause after all, you are THE man !
there are only a couple of ways to see which reality is true, son. coach v jock alone - or two coaches to put you in your place in case you have turned into an alpha jock.
Pretty sure there's nothing hotter than a Dad-type with a good bod, who knows how to fight, up against a Son-type, also built, who also knows how to fight.
The chemistry between older and younger generation both trying to outdo the other is pretty spectacular....
coach, i am so ready to show you who the man is in a fight ; bring it, daddy ; your best game (and be ready to go down and take it like a real man would too)
Harald (1 )
13/3/2018 16:54Is there alpha dad to fight and coach me? Any lesson today?
mdleweight (3)
15/8/2018 23:46(em resposta à...)
If I were in Sweden would offer you a coaching session. We would start with a NHB fight between us so you understand what it is like to have a beating and lose. That will build your incentive to win in the future. Then we work together to train you until you are good enough to win, occasionally.
SeattleFight (511)
20/9/2018 23:31(em resposta à...)
Mdleweight I want to fight you again!
Harald (1 )
15/8/2018 23:53(em resposta à...)
would definnitely follow you up
juancoool (0)
12/12/2017 11:50Need a trainer +595983677273
jobberjayse (31 )
12/12/2017 16:25(em resposta à...)
wish i was closer, would love to train you, sport !
Harald (1 )
09/8/2018 18:11(em resposta à...)
i am here coach dad!
jobberjayse (31 )
09/8/2018 20:06(em resposta à...)
and im here, son - ARGH !
Neomon (25)
12/11/2017 13:43I really do love the match up of an older fighter with a younger one (the dad/son combo I suppose). I like to see the older male be a type of coach or trainer to the the younger guy, showing him the ropes and training and toughening the young male up.
Not necessarily going easy but I find the age gap dynamic to be very primal with the older male passing on 'survival skills' to the younger.
Jake Fighter (4 )
14/8/2018 15:52(em resposta à...)
totally agree man with all, primal like a right of passage
KingFight82 (0)
01/10/2018 13:27(em resposta à...)
can't wait to get beasty, primal, and manly with boys and daddies.. fighting for the cup! :)
Wilmcfight (1)
20/9/2018 20:14(em resposta à...)
Really want to take you on Jake
Jake Fighter (4 )
05/11/2018 11:26(em resposta à...)
like wise big guy. think youd bea tough fight willmc . more than upfor it
KingFight82 (0)
01/10/2018 13:26(em resposta à...)
I want it too.. lets try to manage a tournement, where we all could meet and fight like male
buckioh (2)
11/8/2018 14:08(em resposta à...)
Yes. The primal bonding.
Wilmcfight (1)
09/8/2018 17:45(em resposta à...)
That’s hot
Jake Fighter (4 )
09/8/2018 15:45(em resposta à...)
KingFight82 (0)
01/10/2018 13:27(em resposta à...)
yeah me too, simple brief, nothing more, 2 manly guy going against each other for the domination..
Harald (1 )
13/3/2018 15:59(em resposta à...)
Any dad, fight and couaching me?
Looking for sons vs me
Wilmcfight (1)
26/2/2018 08:34(em resposta à...)
That’s so hot, would love to do that
Jake Fighter (4 )
21/2/2018 20:13(em resposta à...)
yeah i get that..i wantd that from older guys ive known and wanted to fight or actually fought..anyone out there think they can toughen me up anymore?
KingFight82 (0)
20/9/2018 02:02(em resposta à...)
I always win, teenager as mature, they all get dominated by me and they own, and used ! I never lsot once
Wilmcfight (1)
20/9/2018 20:16(em resposta à...)
Would love to watch you or take ya on KingFight
mdleweight (3)
14/11/2017 08:46(em resposta à...)
How about two older guys who bring their boys to wrestle? Dads watch sons go at it for a few submissions. Then dads wrestle each other to show sons how real men fight. Losing dad has to hand over his son to winning dad for a stakes match.
Harald (1 )
13/3/2018 16:04(em resposta à...)
It is really cool
Any dad?
would love to try you boys
what you say @ncusa0313 or @Jake Fighter ?
Wilmcfight (1)
02/3/2018 02:20(em resposta à...)
That’s hot , I need a boy
ncusa0313 (30)
01/3/2018 04:25(em resposta à...)
Hell yes. Sounds hot af.
Jake Fighter (4 )
28/2/2018 13:22(em resposta à...)
definitely into that , fighting another son in front of dads would hot
Harald (1 )
13/3/2018 15:44(em resposta à...)
up fot it Jake
Jake Fighter (4 )
09/8/2018 15:46(em resposta à...)
Harald (1 )
09/8/2018 16:03(em resposta à...)
open the block
Wilmcfight (1)
02/3/2018 20:00(em resposta à...)
I’d love to watch that Jake
Harald (1 )
15/8/2018 05:42(em resposta à...)
what about him?
Jake Fighter (4 )
15/8/2018 03:08(em resposta à...)
yeah id be really up for you watching Wilmc
Wilmcfight (1)
20/9/2018 20:18(em resposta à...)
That’s hot! Would definitely take on another dad for ya
wrestlerspig (14)
01/3/2018 21:08(em resposta à...)
My father used to always watch my brother beat me up in a fight.
calwrestler (146)
03/3/2018 01:31(em resposta à...)
I hope later you beat up your brother !
wrestlerspig (14)
03/3/2018 05:01(em resposta à...)
I wish I could say that I did but I was always the one who lost.
KingFight82 (0)
06/2/2018 09:03(em resposta à...)
I am so into everything you wrote. That is exactly how i see a good DAD SON tournaments. I can host, got a wrestling ring in my basement, and so into dad son fight..sex
wrestlerspig (14)
16/11/2017 22:24(em resposta à...)
wow, tough stakes for outcomes.
KingFight82 (0)
14/8/2018 04:43(em resposta à...)
ahaha rough tought, in all the way possible.. smashing on the gorund a son that thought he could beatme off, and then use him as my winner prize is what turn me on the most
Wilmcfight (1)
27/8/2018 01:40(em resposta à...)
That’s hot
hairychestcowboy (7 )
16/11/2017 22:57(em resposta à...)
if you cant handle it, dont fight. what my dad taught me.
wrestlerspig (14)
17/11/2017 05:29(em resposta à...)
I have never backed out of a beat down. The stakes are high but I would be up to the challenge.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
17/11/2017 15:05(em resposta à...)
Good man. I know the feeling when you meet your opponent for the first time and know you are about to get beat up and used. heart sinks. check around for immediate escape and finding none know you have to fight. you do your best but to no avail. you know whats coming.
jobberjayse (31 )
17/11/2017 17:26(em resposta à...)
gotta interject here, coach ! ive NEVER felt the fear of "oh my god im gonna get beat bad, so i have to flee" ; i get the opposite feeling ; that while i know im gonna get demolished, i wont let any man think id take the cowardly way out ; in a sense, id rather be "offed" than run !
that way, whoever the heel is knows its been an honor to beat me down ; and ill take my domination with honor too !
calwrestler (146)
03/3/2018 01:32(em resposta à...)
"Jayse" is an amazing jobber
jobberjayse (31 )
05/3/2018 20:11(em resposta à...)
if i am, its only when i have an amazing heel top dad like you beating on me !!!!
calwrestler (146)
05/3/2018 20:19(em resposta à...)
Thanks, son......
hairychestcowboy (7 )
17/11/2017 21:13(em resposta à...)
Im not a masochist
jobberjayse (31 )
19/11/2017 21:29(em resposta à...)
nor am i, stud ; i actually hate pain ; i fight as a matter of masculine pride !
guy fit (65)
15/11/2017 20:00(em resposta à...)
I’ll watch you dad
SeattleFight (511)
15/11/2017 20:02(em resposta à...)
We'll take on mdleweight and his son in a hot brawl and crush them.
guy fit (65)
15/11/2017 20:06(em resposta à...)
Grrrr fuck yeah dad. You know it
SeattleFight (511)
14/11/2017 23:49(em resposta à...)
Hey buddy I'll take you on any way you want. Hot rematch!!!
jobberjayse (31 )
14/11/2017 17:13(em resposta à...)
any matches / stakes involving dads and sons vs each other - in any and all combinations - are profoundly perfect ways to grapple, right, coach !!!
Harald (1 )
09/8/2018 18:12(em resposta à...)
Coach dad Jobberjayse
let me handle this Jake_Fighter bla blahh
Jake Fighter (4 )
09/8/2018 16:03(em resposta à...)
Harald (1 )
10/8/2018 19:43(em resposta à...)
Anytime big bro!
jobberjayse (31 )
12/11/2017 16:52(em resposta à...)
son, you seem to truly understand the most important dynamic about being a man (masculine etc) ; and that it stems often (mostly) from physical encounters between older and younger men ; especially in the power/passion realm.
wrestling that is all; out physical from the athletic to the erotic.
for who could show the younger male what it is to be a man and to take it like a man - and at times, the reverse
and that winning - and losing - takes honor ; right ?
with that, i wish you were closer ! cause we could have the most intense (and profound) fights (and more)
Neomon (25)
12/11/2017 22:04(em resposta à...)
There's nothing quite like demonstrating your masculinity than striping down and engaging in a healthy bout of competitive wrestling, particularly when there is a decent sized age difference. I suppose it's a natural instinct to try and beat the 'other generation'. Plays into a lot of cultural and social ideals, my favourite of which is on the mats.
jobberjayse (31 )
13/11/2017 17:46(em resposta à...)
i couldn't agree more, son - its totally natural / instinctual for a younger male to show his masculinity power strength to an older male ; and conversely for an older male to "teach" a younger male the basics of being truly manly - all especially apparent and powerful on the mats
that said, the matches MUST end with some sort of honorable service from the males bested towards the victorious male ; and thusly the dominated male can further absorb the winning male's superior (at that moment) male essence - agreed, sport ?
Neomon (25)
14/11/2017 19:17(em resposta à...)
It would be the natural order of physical combat for the dominated or bested male to submit to the dominant male in various ways, although with full agreement on terms beforehand of course.
jobberjayse (31 )
15/11/2017 19:25(em resposta à...)
to a point, yes, son ; but naturally the victor does have some leeway, as is his right. further, both the son and dad, jock and coach should take full responsibility - and expect - that the outcome of every match SHOULD include an element of natural erotic transference of masculine energy (as a way of saying the loser's taking in the winner's aura is TOTALLY and absolutely necessary - in order for the match(es) to be as ultimate as possible.)
buckioh (2)
12/11/2017 13:58(em resposta à...)
Right. You hit it right on the head! Primal and bonding through their rassling.
jobberjayse (31 )
12/11/2017 16:54(em resposta à...)
coach, you remind me that no matter how much experience i get, i still have a lot to learn ; and that you'd be QUITE the formidable foe and teacher ; with rewards (a win win) for both involved, i am sure !
Antheus (43 )
12/11/2017 13:46(em resposta à...)
Hi, Id be up for a match with you
Antheus (43 )
04/5/2017 15:49Any hairy dads on skype now?
Antheus (43 )
01/4/2017 00:30Where are the hairy dads?
hairychestcowboy (7 )
02/4/2017 16:58(em resposta à...)
hairy daddy bear here.
Antheus (43 )
02/4/2017 18:22(em resposta à...)
you on kik, bud?
hairychestcowboy (7 )
02/4/2017 18:23(em resposta à...)
no im not. sorry
buckioh (2)
01/4/2017 18:24(em resposta à...)
We are here.
Antheus (43 )
02/4/2017 00:02(em resposta à...)
I'd take you on any day
buckioh (2)
05/5/2017 11:56(em resposta à...)
Bring it on man.
Bi Boxer (0)
17/1/2017 14:35Love to see a hot boxing match with the 'dad' ending up KO'd on his back and the 'son' standing over him with his foot on his chest. If the 'son' is at least 18, love to see a nude fight like that!
wrestlerspig (14)
23/1/2017 20:21(em resposta à...)
How about a match with a muscular Dad beating up his whimpy son in front of his muscular Brother? I had that done to me growing up.
Antheus (43 )
25/1/2017 12:11(em resposta à...)
Bring it on
jobberjayse (31 )
25/1/2017 16:01(em resposta à...)
curious which of us men you want to "bring it on" with, son ?
jobberjayse (31 )
24/1/2017 16:15(em resposta à...)
well if you were wimpy growing up, you sure grew into quite a hunky daddy. meanwhile i think the hotter match would be the one brother being beaten down by his muscle dad AND muscle brother ; and being able to withstand it all ; even being taken down, it shows the dude is just as manly - managing it all, coach. dontcha think ?
wrestlerspig (14)
24/1/2017 23:18(em resposta à...)
thank you.
jobberjayse (31 )
17/1/2017 17:11(em resposta à...)
not nude, coach - us both in socks ; and the son with his socked foot halfway on his dads throat ; its more perilous and passionate that way !
Bi Boxer (0)
17/1/2017 19:20(em resposta à...)
Mmmmmmm, so the fights would be wearing only gloves and socks; that is so hot!!
jobberjayse (31 )
17/1/2017 19:36(em resposta à...)
i think us bare fisted and punching each other is how it should be, dad
rassler (4)
23/1/2017 10:50(em resposta à...)
"i think us bare fisted and punching each other is how it should be, dad"... That's a great idea for a father vs son match, could you write a whole story about it? Would be great.
Bi Boxer (0)
23/1/2017 14:12(em resposta à...)
Boxing naked... the 'son' wears down the 'dad'; at the end he's exhausted, no longer able to raise his gloves enough to defend himself... he gets backed into the corner and is finished with an uppercut. Down he goes, ending up on his back with his gloves over his head. He hears himself being counted out and is aware that his young opponent is resting his foot on his sweaty, bare chest.
Bi Boxer (0)
17/1/2017 19:41(em resposta à...)
One of us Ko'd at the end...
jobberjayse (31 )
17/1/2017 19:43(em resposta à...)
in many ways, id fucking love to bash you right in the jaw and lights out for sure, dad ; but thats only after you've beaten me up a few times (and taken my ass as your prize)
jobberjayse (31 )
12/1/2017 16:34indeed, dudes - the pairing of a dad and son (coach and jock) in a fight (and eventually more) is THE most powerful, profound, passionate - and masculine - of all interactions ; no matter which man wins (or loses) its about "manhood's rites of passage" ;
Im lucky in that I wrestle from both perspectives : sometimes as the son ; sometimes as the dad.
Wish that all wrestlers (and men in general) could accept and admit the importance of this kind of bond !
capnramrod (6)
13/1/2017 04:56(em resposta à...)
we are so overdue for a rematch, hot tough jock ;)
jobberjayse (31 )
13/1/2017 16:32(em resposta à...)
I agree, coach ! I need to show you how much more advanced I've become ; and ready (almost ?!) to show you who is the superior male ! Im thinking it may take you - and a fellow coach (dad) - to take me down properly ! But then again, maybe Im just being a COCKy jock son - and you could still take me down easily enough (even with one hand tied behind your back) ; Cause after all, you are THE man !
capnramrod (6)
14/1/2017 04:28(em resposta à...)
there are only a couple of ways to see which reality is true, son. coach v jock alone - or two coaches to put you in your place in case you have turned into an alpha jock.
jobberjayse (31 )
14/1/2017 18:55(em resposta à...)
Coach, i accept both challenges !!!!
cute guy (27)
12/1/2017 12:49Oh yea so hot
SydneyGrappler (6)
12/1/2017 02:00Pretty sure there's nothing hotter than a Dad-type with a good bod, who knows how to fight, up against a Son-type, also built, who also knows how to fight.
The chemistry between older and younger generation both trying to outdo the other is pretty spectacular....
jobberjayse (31 )
17/1/2017 19:45(em resposta à...)
yeah, it is absolutely why men fight (and more) to prove their manhood to other manly men, especially older vs younger ; all ritual and all essential
SeattleFight (511)
18/1/2017 16:24(em resposta à...)
This coach will show you who's boss
Jake Fighter (4 )
09/8/2018 16:01(em resposta à...)
jobberjayse (31 )
18/1/2017 16:39(em resposta à...)
coach, i am so ready to show you who the man is in a fight ; bring it, daddy ; your best game (and be ready to go down and take it like a real man would too)