My Dad and I had a heck of a row once, and he challenged me to a fight.
We got in to track suit bottoms, bare feet and bare chested and adopted a karate stance and fought.
No holds barred and we got to each other's cocks to jerk each other off. We stripped and adopted a sumo stance for a wank off match, where we grabbed each other's cocks and jerked till we cum.
Had many matches this way, which we used to release tension, settle rows and quite often to show strength and let off steam.
After my Dad died, I happened to chat to my uncle (he and I are the same age) one day about sports, and we got on to the subject of letting off steam. He challenged me to naked karate and he is now my fight buddy.
We meet every so often for s showdown, which always ends in mutual wanking.
Am I alone to enjoy this type of thing? Would love to hear from like-minded guys.
To be honest, personally I've never heard of any guys wrestling naked and jerking off with their fathers altho it sounds very erotic. You have to have a very close relationship with your father for that to happen. You were lucky that you did. When I was a young man in my teens I often fantasised about wrestling naked with my dad but it never happened of course. It's not un-natural, just very machismo and a great way to bond. Wish you had taken videos! That would be cool to watch! Now all most guys have is fantasy type dad/son wrestling matches. But it's better than not at all I guess!
When Dad and I had our row, and then what happened, I really thought it was the worst thing that could happen, as I believed I was the worst guy out there.
What it did to was to turn a father-son relationship that was merely tolerated, in to something that had total respect on both sides.
Dad & I never had the same view on sports, he loved football, soccer, and much more, but I didn't. I loved martial arts, which until we fought, I never knew he did (his weekly meeting on a Tuesday, turned out to be fight night for him), so when everything happened, it was a new chapter and a total new way of life (would have loved to have had him as a best friend, instead of a Dad, if that makes sense, but as Dad he was, and in my eyes, the best).
We would have disagreements that would be settled in naked combat matches, and we spent many hours together having a "best mates" relationship, drinking beer, winding each other up something chronic and enjoying the relationship for what it was.
If this all sounds dreadful to some, I'm sorry, but I was so damned lucky, and is something I sorely miss.
My uncle is amazing, but he isn't my Dad. Although he is an Uncle, he is only six days older than me, so in essence it doesn't count (ha, ha).
I would have loved to have had videos taken now, but alas there weren't any. For sure, they would have been cool to watch, and great fun to relive, especially with an audience.
I'm sure a lot of guys would give to have what you did with your dad. All of the men on here who are "into" dad/son wrestling matches must have that in the back of their minds that they pretend it's the real thing. I know I do. You step into the fantasy and it becomes real.
What did it feel like to grapple and roll around with your dad? Was it awkward at first? I suppose once you go at it you don't even think about it. Not to be nosey, but just curious - was there cock/ball squeezing and grabbing? To me that's all part of an intense naked wrestling match and becomes second nature and you don't think about it you just do it. Sometimes when you pin a guy on his back and you are lying on top of him and your privates are touching - what was that like? To me that would be very erotic.
Well, it is really gratifying to know that I'm not odd in any way, and it's great to share things here, as I have no other way to communicate (friends and family members - the one's that don't understand, would be horrified if I told them).
OK, for the first few minutes of the first fight we had, it was odd for us both. However, when it became apparent that neither was about to back down, we turned it to our advantage by telling each other to refer to us by our surname and that we were both opponents seeking combat, revenge and to let off steam.
Not realising my Dad had been doing karate for ten years, when he suggested we fight, I knew he was thinking of a wrestle, but I had other ideas.
When I bowed to him and adopted a karate stance, did I realise he knew my way of thinking - fight-wise.
We treated each other as opponents who hated each other, and only one outcome was possible. Neither of us then thought about the fact we were father and son, just deadly opponents.
When I could see that my Dad was a good, solid, karate exponent, did I decide to break the rules and challenge him to a cock fight.
It was when he agreed, and he saw the look on my face, did he tell me to put up or shut up, and if you breath fire, expect a dragon to breath it back.
I had nowhere to turn, so I had to move forward. We stripped, and Dad told me that it was a fight to the end, as he held no prisoners. When asked what he meant, he said I knew, but to ensure I did, he said that he would make me cum first.
He then adopted a sumo stance and starting swearing in a way that I had never heard hum use before, did I adopt the same idea and we then had to fight.
I cannot remember who came first, but I believe it was a draw. We were both left with bruises, were battered, but we had a new-found respect that was there till he died.
Having talked about it afterwards, I know that we were both initially shocked at what we had done, but at the same time new that this was something we both wanted.
It gave us an outlet as warriors, let me use my martial art skills on my Dad and his on me, and neither of us would worry what damage we did to each other.
Great post. Love to read about dad and sons wrestling - naked is even better. I'm sorry for your loss. It's nice that you had your uncle. Have seen - and been in - naked wrestling, naked boxing but have not seen naked karate. Sounds interesting. You're a lucky man!
Yes, it was a sad day when my Dad died (he was on vacation with my step-mother, on a cruise going up the Panama Canal - long story, won't bore you with it).
The naked combat is a real favourite of mine, and I find it really good fun. It also allows me to let off steam too.
I had a naked sumo match yesterday, with a cousin of mine, which ended up turning in to an all-out brawl (I'm nursing a black eye today, but hey, it's part of the fun), as we mixed in judo and karate.
I have a fight scheduled with my uncle at the weekend, which I know will be brilliant for us both.
Feel free to "DM" me at any time, if you want to chat privately too.
I'm a lucky man indeed to have found people like you who understand our mutual enjoyment, as well as having members of my family who have/do enjoy getting rough and having fun.
Hello a newer member here, seems like I am in the minority when it comes to those things I enjoy doing. But anyway, I do enjoy punching a younger guy [son] role playing is hot, maybe the kid needs to beat down for a bad attitude and a couple or more punches to his gut sends the right message, smart mouth me and your busted [either in the stomach or balls....always your choice before the fun begins]. I am a very normal guy and seeing me on the street you would never expect I enjoy this. But we all like our kink I guess. I never do anything to anyone unless we talk about it 1st. Always safe, sane and fun.
an open and consensual sexual fight. perhaps the son feels he's far hotter than the dad, or that mom doesn't deserve a man like him. the boys agree to a sexual fight, lots of low blows and groping and humiliating when they can. it's very close, back and forth between the son's youth and muscle against dad's weight and experience. would love to chat or rp it some time, but most here seem to be into real matches
I don't appreciate comments from a woman on this - this is a MAN's issue and we deserve to explore than in privacy between ourselves. I don't know why you're here or if you simply want to be a man, but most just laugh and ignore you. Again - FATHER AND SON WRESTLING - has nothing to do with women.
Great scenario, thanks! I especially like the shower cockfight idea, father and son matching dicks and fists in the small space of the shower stall, bruised, tired but willing to cum all over each other... truly hot!
well. I think there is a logical progression here. Dad and son start horsing around in the living room until one or the other throws some major wood...some ball grabs or low blows are exchanged and the challenge is made to "take it outside". Once out in the yard, fists start to fly and it gets down and dirty, knockdowns, some blood and the low blows continue as the fight approaches a knockout finish. Regaining some composure, they take it to the shower where both dad and son bone up again have a great sensual cockfight, Dad goes nuts and takes the kid into the bedroom where they rassle each other down and eventually end up in a hot 69. Seems to make sense to me.....
Inicia sessão para visualizares a galeria de fotos.
Which kind of dad vs son fight do you like? A friendly match in the living room or a tough fistfight in the yard? A slow erotic dickfigth in the shower or a naked rassle on the bed?
There are many variations on this hot theme, let's explore some of them...
me and my father actually did it a few times .i caught him watching World Of Sport when i was 14-15yo.he saw me and told me to sit on the couch till he got back.when he did he had a yellow singlet just like the one he was wearing.we sat and watched the wrestling then had a try ourselves.we both got hard so my dad sayed to go to his bedroom to finish it.we ended up stripped of our singlets grabbing balls and cock till i lost and shot my load .as punishment i had to wank my dad till he cum too.
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
16/11/2013 19:26My Dad and I had a heck of a row once, and he challenged me to a fight.
We got in to track suit bottoms, bare feet and bare chested and adopted a karate stance and fought.
No holds barred and we got to each other's cocks to jerk each other off. We stripped and adopted a sumo stance for a wank off match, where we grabbed each other's cocks and jerked till we cum.
Had many matches this way, which we used to release tension, settle rows and quite often to show strength and let off steam.
After my Dad died, I happened to chat to my uncle (he and I are the same age) one day about sports, and we got on to the subject of letting off steam. He challenged me to naked karate and he is now my fight buddy.
We meet every so often for s showdown, which always ends in mutual wanking.
Am I alone to enjoy this type of thing? Would love to hear from like-minded guys.
grappa50 (6)
28/1/2015 17:49(em resposta à...)
utterly amazing you lucky lad
sweetdog (0)
19/11/2013 14:07(em resposta à...)
To be honest, personally I've never heard of any guys wrestling naked and jerking off with their fathers altho it sounds very erotic. You have to have a very close relationship with your father for that to happen. You were lucky that you did. When I was a young man in my teens I often fantasised about wrestling naked with my dad but it never happened of course. It's not un-natural, just very machismo and a great way to bond. Wish you had taken videos! That would be cool to watch! Now all most guys have is fantasy type dad/son wrestling matches. But it's better than not at all I guess!
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
19/11/2013 14:25(em resposta à...)
When Dad and I had our row, and then what happened, I really thought it was the worst thing that could happen, as I believed I was the worst guy out there.
What it did to was to turn a father-son relationship that was merely tolerated, in to something that had total respect on both sides.
Dad & I never had the same view on sports, he loved football, soccer, and much more, but I didn't. I loved martial arts, which until we fought, I never knew he did (his weekly meeting on a Tuesday, turned out to be fight night for him), so when everything happened, it was a new chapter and a total new way of life (would have loved to have had him as a best friend, instead of a Dad, if that makes sense, but as Dad he was, and in my eyes, the best).
We would have disagreements that would be settled in naked combat matches, and we spent many hours together having a "best mates" relationship, drinking beer, winding each other up something chronic and enjoying the relationship for what it was.
If this all sounds dreadful to some, I'm sorry, but I was so damned lucky, and is something I sorely miss.
My uncle is amazing, but he isn't my Dad. Although he is an Uncle, he is only six days older than me, so in essence it doesn't count (ha, ha).
I would have loved to have had videos taken now, but alas there weren't any. For sure, they would have been cool to watch, and great fun to relive, especially with an audience.
sweetdog (0)
19/11/2013 14:36(em resposta à...)
I'm sure a lot of guys would give to have what you did with your dad. All of the men on here who are "into" dad/son wrestling matches must have that in the back of their minds that they pretend it's the real thing. I know I do. You step into the fantasy and it becomes real.
What did it feel like to grapple and roll around with your dad? Was it awkward at first? I suppose once you go at it you don't even think about it. Not to be nosey, but just curious - was there cock/ball squeezing and grabbing? To me that's all part of an intense naked wrestling match and becomes second nature and you don't think about it you just do it. Sometimes when you pin a guy on his back and you are lying on top of him and your privates are touching - what was that like? To me that would be very erotic.
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
19/11/2013 15:06(em resposta à...)
Well, it is really gratifying to know that I'm not odd in any way, and it's great to share things here, as I have no other way to communicate (friends and family members - the one's that don't understand, would be horrified if I told them).
OK, for the first few minutes of the first fight we had, it was odd for us both. However, when it became apparent that neither was about to back down, we turned it to our advantage by telling each other to refer to us by our surname and that we were both opponents seeking combat, revenge and to let off steam.
Not realising my Dad had been doing karate for ten years, when he suggested we fight, I knew he was thinking of a wrestle, but I had other ideas.
When I bowed to him and adopted a karate stance, did I realise he knew my way of thinking - fight-wise.
We treated each other as opponents who hated each other, and only one outcome was possible. Neither of us then thought about the fact we were father and son, just deadly opponents.
When I could see that my Dad was a good, solid, karate exponent, did I decide to break the rules and challenge him to a cock fight.
It was when he agreed, and he saw the look on my face, did he tell me to put up or shut up, and if you breath fire, expect a dragon to breath it back.
I had nowhere to turn, so I had to move forward. We stripped, and Dad told me that it was a fight to the end, as he held no prisoners. When asked what he meant, he said I knew, but to ensure I did, he said that he would make me cum first.
He then adopted a sumo stance and starting swearing in a way that I had never heard hum use before, did I adopt the same idea and we then had to fight.
I cannot remember who came first, but I believe it was a draw. We were both left with bruises, were battered, but we had a new-found respect that was there till he died.
Having talked about it afterwards, I know that we were both initially shocked at what we had done, but at the same time new that this was something we both wanted.
It gave us an outlet as warriors, let me use my martial art skills on my Dad and his on me, and neither of us would worry what damage we did to each other.
rassler (4)
19/11/2013 13:13(em resposta à...)
This is incredibly hot, thanks for sharing! You've been very lucky to share shomething like that with him.
Can you go into more details about your father/son fights and mutual JO? Thanks.
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
19/11/2013 20:49(em resposta à...)
Hi Rassler
Message me and let's chat
sweetdog (0)
17/11/2013 22:12(em resposta à...)
Great post. Love to read about dad and sons wrestling - naked is even better. I'm sorry for your loss. It's nice that you had your uncle. Have seen - and been in - naked wrestling, naked boxing but have not seen naked karate. Sounds interesting. You're a lucky man!
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
19/11/2013 14:01(em resposta à...)
Thanks for the comments.
Yes, it was a sad day when my Dad died (he was on vacation with my step-mother, on a cruise going up the Panama Canal - long story, won't bore you with it).
The naked combat is a real favourite of mine, and I find it really good fun. It also allows me to let off steam too.
I had a naked sumo match yesterday, with a cousin of mine, which ended up turning in to an all-out brawl (I'm nursing a black eye today, but hey, it's part of the fun), as we mixed in judo and karate.
I have a fight scheduled with my uncle at the weekend, which I know will be brilliant for us both.
Feel free to "DM" me at any time, if you want to chat privately too.
I'm a lucky man indeed to have found people like you who understand our mutual enjoyment, as well as having members of my family who have/do enjoy getting rough and having fun.
Hope to hear from you soon.
19/8/2012 19:12Hello a newer member here, seems like I am in the minority when it comes to those things I enjoy doing. But anyway, I do enjoy punching a younger guy [son] role playing is hot, maybe the kid needs to beat down for a bad attitude and a couple or more punches to his gut sends the right message, smart mouth me and your busted [either in the stomach or balls....always your choice before the fun begins]. I am a very normal guy and seeing me on the street you would never expect I enjoy this. But we all like our kink I guess. I never do anything to anyone unless we talk about it 1st. Always safe, sane and fun.
luffy316 (0)
15/3/2012 08:32an open and consensual sexual fight. perhaps the son feels he's far hotter than the dad, or that mom doesn't deserve a man like him. the boys agree to a sexual fight, lots of low blows and groping and humiliating when they can. it's very close, back and forth between the son's youth and muscle against dad's weight and experience. would love to chat or rp it some time, but most here seem to be into real matches
Wrestler63 (0)
19/9/2012 22:01(em resposta à...)
I don't appreciate comments from a woman on this - this is a MAN's issue and we deserve to explore than in privacy between ourselves. I don't know why you're here or if you simply want to be a man, but most just laugh and ignore you. Again - FATHER AND SON WRESTLING - has nothing to do with women.
sweetdog (0)
17/11/2013 22:11(em resposta à...)
Great post. What would a woman be doing in a group called father and SON? Mind-boggling.
rassler (4)
12/3/2012 15:37More than 160 members and NO posts since last October?! C'mon guys, let's have some feedback here please...
rassler (4)
04/9/2011 14:45Great scenario, thanks! I especially like the shower cockfight idea, father and son matching dicks and fists in the small space of the shower stall, bruised, tired but willing to cum all over each other... truly hot!
Any other ideas?
needafight (1)
30/8/2011 06:46well. I think there is a logical progression here. Dad and son start horsing around in the living room until one or the other throws some major wood...some ball grabs or low blows are exchanged and the challenge is made to "take it outside". Once out in the yard, fists start to fly and it gets down and dirty, knockdowns, some blood and the low blows continue as the fight approaches a knockout finish. Regaining some composure, they take it to the shower where both dad and son bone up again have a great sensual cockfight, Dad goes nuts and takes the kid into the bedroom where they rassle each other down and eventually end up in a hot 69. Seems to make sense to me..... Inicia sessão para visualizares a galeria de fotos.
rassler (4)
13/5/2011 18:42Which kind of dad vs son fight do you like? A friendly match in the living room or a tough fistfight in the yard? A slow erotic dickfigth in the shower or a naked rassle on the bed?
There are many variations on this hot theme, let's explore some of them...
lycraman74 (1)
20/2/2013 14:11(em resposta à...)
i like living room fight that then moves to naked wrestle in the bed room.start of in our singlets then strip.
rassler (4)
20/2/2013 14:15(em resposta à...)
Nice scenario. Can you write a more detailed one please? Did you ever do it with your son?
lycraman74 (1)
20/2/2013 14:20(em resposta à...)
me and my father actually did it a few times .i caught him watching World Of Sport when i was 14-15yo.he saw me and told me to sit on the couch till he got back.when he did he had a yellow singlet just like the one he was wearing.we sat and watched the wrestling then had a try ourselves.we both got hard so my dad sayed to go to his bedroom to finish it.we ended up stripped of our singlets grabbing balls and cock till i lost and shot my load .as punishment i had to wank my dad till he cum too.
rassler (4)
20/2/2013 14:25(em resposta à...)
Wow that's hot. A great dad/son bonding time! Did you do it just once?
lycraman74 (1)
20/2/2013 14:28(em resposta à...)
We did it every Saturday until i left home