Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gut Punching/navel fetish

slimp (0)

30/8/2017 04:15

An innie naval means there's at least a little bit of fat, but it actually makes the gut a bit more durable. I don't think I can handle that much of a beating any more, but the thought of it gives me tingles in the right places. Even though I wouldn't last as long now, I'd still enjoy a beating till the cum comes out and I collapse. When I was younger, endorphins would kick in, and even after my gut muscles got too weak to prevent the fist from going in deep, it'd take about an hour before the deep, slowly increasing pain became too much. The gut ache would last five days or so, and the hoarseness from having grunts punched out of me would last couple of days. My sweet spot is an inch or so above the naval, as the naval itself has kind of a distractingly weird feel when punched. Cool thing about gut punching is that once the redness fades, there's no way others can tell it happened. Talk about testing ab strength, I decided to avoid doing anything to strengthen 'em. My abs are flat and defined, even now, but when I worked on making them stronger, punches just stung the surface for too long. I want to feel the fist go deep. At the same time, I want the puncher to feel as though he's punching meat, not fat. I don't like the sound of punching fat. I like hearing a deep resonant thud instead. I really like a steady cadence of thuds & grunts. That's when I can't stop the cum from coming.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

30/8/2017 04:53

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Thank you for sharing!


gutpunchmehard (18)

29/8/2017 14:20



GPNavelPuncher (0)

28/8/2017 14:27

Love to Gut Punch guys with nice abs. 6 or 8 pack preferred, but, at least have tight muscles. No fats or bears. Prefer innie BELLYBUTTON, but, not a deal breaker. Aim for the NAVEL, bare knuckled, with every slug. Tie his wrists TIGHT to a wall behind him, making his abs & NAVEL totally vulnerable to fast, heavy, deep slugs. Test the strength of his abs...FASTER, HARDER, DEEPER. Slug his gut relentlessly until his stomach skin turns red, raw and sore. Listen to his moans & groans of pain & ecstasy. Give his abs a brief break from slugs, by kneeling in front of the Punchee, shove your tongue deep into his sore navel, work it HARD with mouth, tongue and TEETH, leaving hickies on his belly for next Puncher to enjoy. Then slug his gut relentlessly for 2 more hours, wear him down. "It hurts, but, please don't stop." Untie his wrists, as he falls to the ground from delicious pain, exhaustion. Yum!😋 Then, Repeat with next Punchee, who is begging for pain to his gut. 👊


Bellytarget4u (1)

30/8/2017 00:53

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NICE POST, thank you for sharing!!!

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