Gutpunching give/take/trade

Ripped abs or belly bulge?

StrikeFighter (82 )

10/6/2020 11:56

Definitely NOT a belly bulge. However, I prefer a 'normal' look to a six-pack. Just a little bit of fat to make a guy look ever so slightly vulnerable.


jimmyterrific (56)

10/6/2020 14:04

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I hope I meet that description, I would luv for you to bust my abs up, totally destroyed them, need them broken down for sure


Punchee1300 (6)

09/6/2020 20:21

No real preference!


puncherofabs (0)

09/6/2020 18:56

i like abs....and prefer a skinny frame


Andrew (0)

07/6/2020 23:35

Me encantan los abdominales y recibir una buena paliza Inicia sessão para visualizares a galeria de fotos.


jimmyterrific (56)

08/6/2020 05:12

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You look so hot, would love for us to punch each other if ok with you


Andrew (0)

11/6/2020 21:23

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Ohhh siii estupendo


BigScorpio55 (5 )

07/6/2020 21:27

I prefer a thick gut, muscled or not


Punchpacks (10)

03/9/2019 23:06

love to punch six packs or even 8 packs coupled with claws


jimmyterrific (56)

07/6/2020 15:52

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I enjoy getting my abs punched, waiting for the time when someone can break down my abs, and go deeper inside me, never felt that, but would like that


Juggernaut (0)

06/6/2020 05:53

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Well since I promised myself at 11 year old to do everything to avoid my dad's beer belly I have to agree with this: the six pack.


lived eht (3)

03/9/2019 09:40

Big belly for me please


xPain (0)

03/9/2019 05:51

I like to feel unflexed to semi-flexed abs as I'm punching my opponent in the stomach as well as feeling their fists penetrate through mines. This way my opponent and I enjoy feeling each other's strength from the punches without hurt our fists too much.


jimmyterrific (56)

07/6/2020 15:59

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I need work on that, I usually try to remain hard, but want guys fist to go deep inside me


halndallas (6)

02/9/2019 16:18

i dont like hitting a wall either especially if guy has no reaction. then next day my hand and wrist are sore . BLAH! I dont care gut condition as long as the guy squirms and lets me know my punches are hurting


Rt ND Guts (4)

01/9/2019 14:34

I have to say I enjoy being punched more since my belly grew some, but I've always had a preference for guys with a belly. I don't get much enjoyment punching a wall.


Gutboxer (48)

26/6/2019 11:23

I’d like to go against a six pack or muscled bod opponent to see who could take the most. But I enjoy anyone that wants to punch me or trade punches but bigger guts are just more enjoyable to punch and knock around.


StrikeFighter (82 )

25/6/2019 11:55

Neither! I prefer to punch a gut that's in shape, but that has a small layer of fat to make it look normal, 'boy-next-door'-ish.

However, I do admit that I prefer to take punches from a puncher with superior abs to my own, so we're talking sixpack there.


make me puke (0)

11/6/2020 02:09

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jimmyterrific (56)

08/6/2020 05:11

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I hope we can get together and break each other down, hopefully we both go to our knees


Rezzztling (2 )

26/6/2019 06:27

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Oh cool! Interesting preferences!

I also like solid muscle but some "oops" fat on top from skipping cardio.


Koko85 (0)

25/6/2019 16:28

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Same here.
I prefer to take punches from someone with stronger abs than mine and give punches to someone with a weaker belly than mine. Not fat, just a bit chubby.


Mortadelo (11 )

25/6/2019 07:49

I am totally on the opposite side but would blast anyone's willing gut


Ripped6 (0)

24/6/2019 16:52

I prefer a ripped sixpack any preference

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