Gutpunching give/take/trade


mackabs (0)

05/10/2017 14:21

The thought of a fist in the stomach and the adrenalin rush therein is just great. I also developed erotism which makes it more exciting.


sauron blackman (1)

03/10/2017 15:18

My excitement at gut punching came very early when I saw in a Brazilian soap opera where one of the actors was a medium-sized boxing fighter on the technique and who sought his place in the sun in the world of fights. I must have been about 8 years old and I was always excited when I saw him enter a ring or a gymnasium wearing his gloves ... It was dormant for many years and when the internet came and all its possibilities, I could see what really excited me I loved seeing the boxers with their gloves (which, in my view, leave an impression of a hand extension, making them more powerful) and mouth guards, applying blows to one another, and the sound of leather on sweaty skin it's spectacular! The main thing for me was to see, after the already tired fighters, those memorable sequences of blows on the waistline and face, to hear the grunts of pain and air exhaled by the beaters and the receivers of the blows, to see the body bending at every stroke showing that the fighter's defense was no longer adequate and the climax was to see the fighter cornered in one of the corners, receiving blows in the waist line (because the guard was already low) and culminating with an upper jaw, watching the fighter fall and your mouth guard come out of your mouth with the blow!
I would really like to have a gut punching session with small boxing gloves (8 or 10 oz) with the punches directed at the waist line and with very slight blows to the head. Being hit in a corner, while my arms are thrown on the ropes, with the head of the striker on my neck and feel and hear his blows on my body without being able to defend myself because I am already extremely tired and exhausted, culminating with a precise blow in the plexus, where it would not be possible to remain standing, kneeling before the kicker who would remain motionless in front of me, when he improved, would be helped to get up by the kicker, putting his gloves under my arm and neck and being taken to the corner again where the session would continue ... This feeling of helplessness in front of another man who is the strongest and that's why the boss of the pack excites me!
In the animal kingdom, the leader of the pack when challenged ends up fighting and when he wins he ends up staying on top of the defeated, sometimes even with his mouth around his throat showing that he has the life and power of the defeated in his hands, here another exciting point for me, the strangulation means that, so I like to feel the opponent's glove on my neck while it strikes my stomach ...


Zander (1)

02/10/2017 22:16

I am not sure why I am turned on by this I have never gotten more excited and nervous if I am about to have a good gut punching session. I often fantasise about it. I think when I was a young and my first time self pleasuring I was imagining I was a super hero being tortured I stroked my manhood and I think ever since then I associated pleasure with my guy being tortured/beaten. The sensation of something being pushed deep into my gut sealed the deal.

I think I am lucky as I have a boy friend who is willing to do it, but our sessions tend to be short as I know he don't want to hurt me, so it's just not as exciting as having a stranger beat my guts as I know they would not care and would want to push me to my limits. Thankfully relationship is safe as there is other ways we can please each other but I cant help but thinking he would never be the perfect gut punching partner simply because he loves me too much and I love him too much to ask one of you guys to do it as it's kind of cheating isn't it?


slimp (0)

03/10/2017 04:01

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It may be helpful for you to demonstrate how much you can take, for example do a bit of self-punishment with a ten pound dumbell, or something similar. After he sees that, he may feel more free to "let go," and sink in some deep ones. Role play may get him going a bit more, especially if you can assume the role of someone he'd like to pummel.

As far as getting someone else in on it, he may not consider it cheating if the rest of the relationship remains intact. Unmet needs are usually why relationships end, so he may prefer that you get that particular need met elsewhere, rather than see your association end.


DanielGP (2 )

28/9/2017 23:52

Now I’d like to throw in an idea I’ve been thinking about. In the Western world (it’s different in Asia) eye contact is important. And especially in a fight you’ll try to look your opponent straight in the eyes. As long as you’re going for his face this means all the action focusses in the same area, and the fighters see the punches coming.

But the moment you aim for his gut this happens in another area where your opponent might not have expected an attack. You might even enjoy the surprise on his face. Head shots reduce the scene to the head area. Stare down your opponent and follow up with your fist. Gut shots thus broaden the experience.

Did I just mention the obvious or…?


slimp (0)

30/9/2017 05:33

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I think the expression induced by a sucker punch to the gut is well worth seeing. I'd also really like to see gut shot videos taken from all angles. I wish I could be in such a video.


GoForTheGut (2 )

28/9/2017 12:26

I've been in to gutpunching since I was a kid. A summer camp counselor would punch me in the gut when ever he could, and I loved it. Later on I found I also liked to punch other guys. I don't get aroused during a gutpunching session, but I admit I do later when I think about the event. I don't mind crotch grabs while being gut punched, but I prefer everyone keep their pants on. I also like elbows, knees, kicks, head butts and baseball bats rammed into my gut. Restraints are cool as well. I've never had a real 2 on 1 session, but who knows, maybe someday.


solar (1)

28/9/2017 06:15

I don't know where to put this as I agree with several things that have been said. I think the I(we) were born with a gp fetish is true in my case as well. But I am also into getting beat up and or humiliated, and if a girl would do it convincingly, that is cool. I also am not into anything more than the gp, meaning not looking for sex with someone while doing this. Punches in the stomach either taking them myself or just seeing them in boxing or movies etc is a huge turn on and always has been.
I conned a friend into punching me in the stomach for a while when I was in the 4th grade. He didn't really like it but I sure did!


muscldestrctn (2)

28/9/2017 05:26

I got hard and started stroking reading all these posts. Thanks guys! My take is a bit different in that I like to watch fit men pummeled mercilessly in the gut (and elsewhere) as a way of dominating the man completely. I've been the puncher, but not often, and enjoyed it tremendously. Also like big muscled men gut-bashed... either acting really cocky and challenging the puncher to go harder, OR giving up and begging for the punishment to stop. But it won't


hardabs1 (22)

28/9/2017 05:44

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I can relate to every one of these posts. I love to receive punches anywhere in the stomach region, from the solar plexus to below the navel. If someone such as a psychiatrist with knowledge of gay fetishes can explain to me why gutpunching turns me on, I'm all ears!


stomachpunch (5)

04/10/2017 23:30

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I share all that you've said (except the punches under the navel. I love to give and collect punches in the stomach). If a true expert knows why my bird becomes stone when it sank punches, and even when I receive them in the stomach (with my stomach relaxed, as it is shown by my videos) I would be happy.


Brett364 (1)

28/9/2017 00:29

I've had a GP fetish since as long as I can remember – maybe even 5 or 6 years old. In fact, around that age, I remember having a GI Joe type action doll and used to punch him in the gut, which excited me. So, it's conceivable that I (we?) was born with this fetish. What's more, being gay, when it comes to guys, GP is the #1 sexual turnon for me. I have NO interest in their dicks, their ass, or much of anything else. Not surprisingly, this has caused a bit of a problem, since I find it hard to please other guys, as I'm not interested in what is below their belt. Can anyone relate to this?


absfreak (7)

04/10/2017 21:55

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I feel the same. Guess i'm born with that addiction to abs and taking pain there since i was 6 too. Loved to drop my abs and navel area on sharp edges and holding my body up by flexing. Later on I started punching myself in the abs and it felt great. After finding some similar interests in tzhe web, I started having GP sessions with other guys. Very hot! It was always a big tun on when i saw guys hitting eachother in the gut. I never had interest in dicks, fucking and all the other main gay interests. I love abs, also ripped pecs. When I see such muscles it makes me want to punch and torture them to find out what these muscles can take.


Brett364 (1)

05/10/2017 00:00

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Absfreak, assuming you are gay – like myself – and have no interest in dicks, etc (again, like myself) has this caused any problems in maintaining a relationship with another guy or having a fling with another guy? I was in a relationship for 5 years with another guy, but it fell apart – due partly to my lack of interest in trying to please him sexually in all of the "normal" gay ways, which I had no desire to do. Just curious if you – or other gay guys here – experienced the same thing. Thanks.


absfreak (7)

05/10/2017 00:07

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I'm single for many years now. It is hard to maintain a relationship if the partners don't have our special interests. Actually i'm not searching and enjoying my freedom


hardabs1 (22)

05/10/2017 07:39

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I feel it would be difficult – not impossible – for one into gutpunching to get into a relationship that doesn't include any gutpunching. You would eventually feel frustrated that you cannot do what you love to do. I have always felt that I would not get into a relationship with a guy unless he was also into gutpunching, or at least would help me fulfill my fetish by punching me every now and then, just like I would fulfill his sexual desires, whatever they may be. Having said all of that, I certainly can enjoy a gutpunching session without any sexual activity.


gutpunchmehard (18)

05/10/2017 23:34

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I`m gay too. And I simply told my bf that i love gutpunching...he dont, but he dont care if I play GP with anothet guy...we can understand the difference between sex ( and GP is a kind of sexsual play) and love. So I can play GP and be happy with him too... I know its not easy to find a partner like mine...


slimp (0)

28/9/2017 04:30

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Me, but I'm not entirely sure it's a gay thing, as I'd be as happy or happier if a woman worked me over. I've always thought of myself as kinda bi, but with the non-hetro part being the GP fetish.


DanielGP (2 )

28/9/2017 00:52

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Definitely, yes. Same goes for me. My first time to punch a boy in the gut was in elementary school; I used a ridiculous reason just I because I wanted so badly to punch someone.
I do say I like touching a guy’s crotch, but rather while he’s dressed. Be it a tight fitting jeans, be it tracksuit pants, yes, I like it. But I do prefer them not to undress. And, however, it can only be number two. The gut punching will always be number one. In those days I started writing childish little stories which still included a lot of fighting, which means a lot of gut punching. At the age of… seven or eight years, I guess.


Brett364 (1)

28/9/2017 03:55

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Daniel, yes, I did the same thing – looked for an excuse to punch a kid in the gut, just so I could feel the (sexual?) excitement of it. In fact, I did this a couple of times when I was a kid. I actually feel bad about it now and wish that I could somehow find those kids and apologize to them for what I did. Also, I find the whole GP fetish rather puzzling. I mean, what is the real source of the turn on? I guess it's kind of a power and control thing over another human being – yet specific to the stomach – a very vulnerable area of a human being. You know, I sometimes wish I had a more common fetish, such as feet or socks or something, because it is SO difficult to find people (at least in my area) who are into gut punching. I am forced to rely on watching videos, etc., in order to "experience it," if you will.


DanielGP (2 )

28/9/2017 23:38

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Yes, I think it’s a sexual excitement, as far as you can call it sexual at the age of an elementary pupil. ^^ But I can say it’s not the excitement of power over someone or anything like that; it was a turn-on right from the beginning.

But, Brett, don’t worry––a punch in the gut usually doesn’t do much damage, neither physically nor mentally. The boy I punched reacted rather insulted than violated. xD (Which is another plus of gp, by the way. Of course you can do damage, but, for instance, even one bare fist punch is much more likely to do some damage if it hits their face rather than their stomach.)

In fact, the Internet connects people sharing interests, but this doesn’t necessarily make it easier to meet in person. You live in the States where there are probably a lot of gut punchers; but the States are a huge area. I live in Berlin which at least is a capital, and with some three and a half million inhabitants, still it’s not easy to find someone to meet. And, alas, all the replacements like games or videos which you can only passively consume are a poor resort…


GPNavelPuncher (0)

27/9/2017 11:33

As someone who has had a NAVEL FETISH all of my life, Gut Punching would seem to be a logical extension of that, especially if my victim has a deep "innie"...YUM! 😋 When slugging a guy's gut, I almost always aim for the BELLYBUTTON, sometimes coupled with some shots to the lower abs. A tat around the bellybutton is a particular turn on for me, although there are not enough of them around. It begs to be punched HARD! Part of the pleasure of Gut Punching a guy is hearing his moans & groans of pain & ecstacy..."it hurts, but, please don't stop." I also enjoy watching my victim's stomach skin turn red, raw and SORE, as I continue to slug him. The best set up for Gut Punching scene is to have the Punchee's arms outstretched to his sides, his wrists tied TIGHT to the wall behind. That makes his abs vulnerable, and perfect target, for hard, heavy, deep punches. Finally, I prefer to slug bare knuckled, as I enjoy the feeling of my fist coming in direct contact with my victim's stomach skin. Wear him down!👊👊👊


slimp (0)

28/9/2017 04:25

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I like everything about this post but don't like being punched below the naval. To me it feels like getting the bladder punched, which is a turn off. Hearing the grunts punched out of me is a super turn on. I keep my throat constricted in a quiet moan, so each impact results in really satisfying grunts. I like to see the puncher's expression of delight as my body and voice react to his punches. I like the sound of bare knuckles impacting my gut too. I wouldn't want to say, "It hurts...etc, because I'd rather every attempt to say something be interrupted by a fist driving my wind out. I like frequent combinations of one-two punches and periods of very steady punching that seem like they will never end. I'm not one for kissing or sex, but strangely enough find the thought of ending a session on the floor, with someone grinding cum into my gut with their heel, to be a turn on. That has to do with my lust for feeling weak and humiliated. If someone makes me feel guilty for my weakness, all the better.


Heeldave (2)

26/9/2017 10:39

As a sadistic heel, gut punching represents the ultimate humiliation of the jobber. The gut i the core of the male body and destroying it is the ultimate victory over a lesser being. As for kissing him Hantsgut, that would increase the intensity of my punches. Like Kid Vicious and long kiss then realise would increase the power of my punches.


femboykarl (0)

27/9/2017 07:54

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I love all the comments here.
Keep them coming please.

Heeldave is right about destroying the core of a lesser male.
That is the reason I love making my stomach available and sexy to the punchers and heels out there.
So they can easily "reach me where I live ", in the middle of the gut.
Where it hurts and where it is fair to be punched.
The more sadistic they are, the more I love it from them.

If another male has punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me, that is highly erotic action to me.
femboykarl ...


hantsgut (5 )

25/9/2017 13:51

I find it a way of submitting to a dominant male in a way that I can try and take as much as he can give whilst still showing my strength and resilience. Dealing with the pain and turning it into pleasure, even days after the event and feeling the soreness and watching the bruising change knowing that I have taken a beating from a superior man. If he kisses me while he is punching me I can take even more.


gutpunchmehard (18)

26/9/2017 20:40

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love that sensation, to be gutpunched while being kissed. send my air to his mouth while his fist dig deep in my gut...wonderfull sensation


Gutboxer (48)

26/9/2017 00:59

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I agree with those comments as well. I would also add that I enjoy seeking and feeling the puncher's strength.


gutpunchmehard (18)

21/9/2017 16:05

hello. just dont know why, but know since I was kid that i like it, and I like it very much. It took time to acept that I love weird activities...but once I accept it, I just try to ve mu guts punched as many times as I can... I just do it


femboykarl (0)

20/9/2017 07:50

For me, the fetish of gut punching is very primal.
It gets down into the aggression of who we are.
Some love giving punches and some love taking punches while others love both.
Some in those groups, both givers and takers, are sexually aroused by such activity. While others are not aroused by such activity but still do get something out of it.

Stomach punching targets the core of the victim and leaves the punchee violated in a very primal way. Breathless and weak.
Some try to outlast their aggressor. But some like me just like having the wind knocked out of them.

To me, being punched in the stomach is very erotic and gets me very aroused right away.
I always try to be punched hardest when I'm at my sexy best. Usually tanned in short shorts to show off my legs, with my midsection totally smooth, open and available.
To attract gut punchers and bullies who get off on such activity and who will see me as an easy target for them.

Primal is the best word out there to describe why I like it.
And I'm wondering what you guys all think.

Why does everyone here like gut punching so much ??
Feel free to give me your thoughts right here and please tell me what you think. .
femboykarl ...

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