Gutpunching give/take/trade

When meeting someone

Mutz (0)

25/6/2015 08:54

It's a trade off between a neutral ground, like a hotel room, and privacy.
We are all aware of the fact that what we do, will be regarded as 'kinky' by some and downright weird by others. So the privacy aspect is important, but all sorts of things go down in hotel rooms. Ask any hotelier, so having one on hand is probably the better. Using a mate's house is okay, preferable if he's home alone. Without the prospect of an uninvited interruption. Personally I prefer a neutral place, as it places no pressures on anybody. But that's just me.


hardabs1 (22)

22/6/2015 08:59

I would say about 80 percent of my gutpunching sessions have been in hotel rooms, unless the GP partner can host. I've never had a problem with gutpunching sessions in a hotel room. In fact, we had six guys in a hotel room last week, trading punches. No problem at all.


Dunla (2)

06/3/2015 17:58

Roughguystuff pretty said my biggest woe with getting a room-but all point to 'home', otherwise-what I figured-but was hoping there'd be a unique alternative. Thanks for the replies still yet.


Kureitondesu (14 )

06/3/2015 17:23

It depends on many things but if I'm in Nashville I prefer my place. Hotels when travelling also work but aren't ideal.


ruffguystuff (1)

06/3/2015 16:15

I prefer long gutpunching sessions that build in impact & intensity, which means there will be a lot of grunting, thudding, smacking, some verbal, other noises. Not too comfortable doing this in a hotel room unless its the only way to meet - never know who might hear and get curious (other people have keys!). So, usually prefer this level of action in my home or private home, can be more uninhibited and only focus on what is going on between me & the other guy.


Prickler (12)

06/3/2015 09:02

I just throw a mattress on the living room floor. It's probably not good enough for serious wrestlers. But it is fine for the kind of playing around I like


Dunla (2)

04/3/2015 19:38

For a session match or whatever one decides to call it-where do you usually prefer to meet? Do you prefer getting rooms-going to or other predesignated private places-or other such choices?

I'm just curious where do people seem to feel the most comfortable with the nature of this? I know I would never partake in too public a place-so far it's been in others homes or rooms as I've no space to host and maintain privacy-but what interesting/unique ideas might there be?

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