Gutpunching give/take/trade

gp chat

Luca Golpe (0)

16/8/2015 21:32

one chat ive used is if they know a nearby boxing gym, then see how it goes, mention that ive worked out my abs with med balls and gut boxing, that it feels like doing 1000 sit-ups, which is true, etc.


Hyede (5)

17/8/2015 03:48

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That's an excellent approach. I should give it a try on the jogging trail.


benwoulds (5)

16/8/2015 22:03

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Smart! No wonder you get so many hot guys to pose for you on your fantastic website. Thanks, will try it!


benwoulds (5)

16/8/2015 06:23

No. But would love to hear your suggestions on how to do that, as I wish I could.


Luca Golpe (0)

15/8/2015 19:13

when you see a potential gutpunching candidate on the streets, etc, have u ever chatted and steered the chat to taking gut punches or gp related in order to gp with him?


RadnerBearman (0)

19/12/2016 14:13

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When I am working out at the UFC gym and Im doing more abdominal reps than normal or Im doing exercizes that most guys do t do, like crunching on a roman chair bench with a 45 pound plate on my chest, guys who like working abs come over and strike up a conversation. When they find out Im a boxer and kickboxer they start putting things together. I invite them to the ring If you are a trained and conditioned boxer and you drop your guard, what are you saying you want ? I have been boxing since 15. Lets face it, what better way to hide what we like better than boxing or kickboxing. The fighting gym is a great place to find others who like what I like


Juggernaut (0)

06/6/2020 11:05

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The minute I saw "medicine ball" I knew to look for RadnerBearman. Anywho, I always wanted to learn to box and kick box (strangers keep asking me if I was a boxer), but I always found a way to keep putting it off. Took one semester of Judo and never went back to that either.

That said, I did however, develop a penchant for ab work, and got up to 500+ reps before I got the notion to add plates to the mix. The only problem with the 45 is that its cumbersome and gets in the way of the movement.

Now, instead of doing more reps I slow down and hold them for the eccentric, but never totally relaxing. Still can't do the med ball thing because you need a partner for that.

Although I've partnered up with a dozen guys over the years (always younger), despite my encouragement and support, they all still somehow manage to eventually give up, drop out, and get guts.

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