Gutpunching give/take/trade

your favorite belly?

MyFistYourGut (0)

06/5/2022 10:27

Hairy and soft, or moderately trained, no doubt about it... that kind of belly as the users here hairyjockcub and Big E-Z.


Robin-hearts (3)

06/5/2022 08:34

I like soft stomachs you can dig your fist in, probably like mine because my abs are so weak lol Inicia sessão para visualizares a galeria de fotos.


bnjifghtr (2)

07/5/2022 05:36

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Hey bro I will tighten them up for you ! haha


big belly art (0)

06/5/2022 12:00

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I have a big soft belly can take a lot of punishment


big belly art (0)

04/5/2022 22:52

a gut like mine big & hairy little soft


big belly art (0)

05/5/2022 12:30

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me and you could have lots of fun working each other over


big belly art (0)

05/5/2022 12:31

(em resposta à...)

get back to me lets chat


luis2083 (1)

04/5/2022 18:06

What belly likes your fists? soft or with abs? hair or no hair? navel outside or inside and why your answers?

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