Navel Torture/Fetish

Youth Experience?

Rt ND Guts (4)

16/8/2021 03:51

I can't explain as to why but I've always had a thing for navel play and navel pain. While I could find kids into belly punching me, not that many kids were into the belly button, but growing up we had the original airsoft, the Zebra gun. Close up it delivered a nice sting. I've done a wide variety of navel tortures since.



02/4/2021 12:53

Mine started around 12 y.o. after being beat up and worked over by a group of guys at a local park, my then g/f and a crowd watching, and her "ex" doing the handiwork.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

02/4/2021 13:19

(em resposta à...)

Cmon man, I need more details. How did you end up in that? How many worked you over? Did they just punch your navel?



04/4/2021 15:36

(em resposta à...)

Only her b/f did the punching, my shirt torn open and mainly gave it to me in the lower belly area, some in the chest and under my arms, and the side around my belly area. I recall lots of grunts and moans and myself basically begging him to stop. I remember Becky close in, watching, saying nothing, but seemingly impressed that her ex was doing this for her, claiming her as his girl, she left with him and his buddies after he was done. Shamed and humiliated, I listened to jeer's and jabs from the group that watched, till I came around enough to leave. Ive taken 3 beatings in my days, this was the first.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

01/4/2021 20:10

So did anyone have an encounter with navels in their teen years that got them into navels?

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