Do you think a Workout Journal feature would be useful?
- Yes, I like it and would use it (410 avaliações: 123t, 45manchego, acampbull, Adler, ajaxwrestler, akboitoy, Alexander the Great, alexjs, Alexsok, ALGAJOLA, Alkane, Anakinsky, Anthon1, Antoine357, ArdonUD, Arian, Asindude, AthensGuy1, ATONMAN, Ayumizu, azn submission, baerhd, baresmo1977, barista, batman, BBR, beachedboy, BeardedWrestler, BearRoma, beefeatr, Bekesember, benhard63, BenMonaco, Benoit, bermudabattle, big0612, bigbeef, Bigboy5604, bighairywrstlrpa, Bigmtlbear, billo bs, billy, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, blank setting, blueorca, bluethegrappler, BobL1957, bobwrestlefighter, bodyattack66, Bodypump, borderman, boxat50, Boxer59, BoxerCoachinmd, Boxforex, Boxing dude, BoxingOnlyRealMen, boxingtrunks, BoyLotta, brazilfightboy, brians4919, brilliant n buff, brimail, bristolwrestler, Buffalo J, canwrestle, catchlutte, CavHar, celtwrestle, champ7685, ChaseAddams92, chompsticks, chub, coedyuk, Coleman, Convert, coolhunk880, Cornejo, Cubwrestles, curiousinhh, cute guy, czbear, Dakota Skye, daniellibra1986, dannyrome, dany 2808, dean1972, detyrin, dfw039, dimitrisdiogenis, dnaeel, dominatorcr, douggie, Drei4, DT43205, dvddvd33, Eagle2009, Earth, eastcheshireguy, elias sanders, Emperor, Enforme, enok, f4leglock, Feather, Ferrero83, fighter1977, Fighter1983J, FighterBA, fighterff, fighterzh, fightinglad, Fireball05, FIREFOX57, fitguy2, Fitzy1983, Fleet, FlevoHans, fl puncher, flscw, FreeByrd71, Friskie, funwrestler57, furryrasslr, gabkanar, gaggiach, Gambo, gedlutte1, gigromeo, gladiatormuc, Goldinbear, Gran Mitico, grappleguy66, grappler71, Greekprofantasy, hammock, Hannoveraner, Harrybuckindy, Hasday, Hatsvasi, heralduk, herson 069, HotBill, hryrassler, imthere, iowawrestler, irishpex, IronbearJones, Ironbull, ironranger, JackdVries, James234, Jarda, jarek2001, JaySoulJr, jcdf, Jedi, jezulo, JJ1959, Jobber415, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberjayse, jocntn, JoeBoxerBR, johan101, joman74, joxer, jpus16, Juan3407, kentbear, keystonepa, kristopherix, kuramaiego, L4wrestlMate, Lean PWR HSE, legsdude, Letssee, limowrestl, Little John, little Tony, livingforfight, llcpy2k, Loboso, lottasubmission212, lotta t, luallavi, Lugi, luisdepilar, Luis Nunoz, LukasHH, lutteurquadra, maeCR1, Mainewrsl, Man4fun, Map032, marconi, martialartslad2013, mateusjudo, matlock, MatMatMad, matteurlutte, Matthew Sanders, Matwrestler101, Matwrestler6310, Maxy Boy, mich, Michaelc0627, Mike100, MIKE99577, mikesgpjhb, MIKE WEST, Mikey Aarons, MisterNoGi, Mixedboxing1983, mkmesleep1, MN Wrestling Dummy, monstercalves, moto60, mtemp, Musclegrappler, muscle marty, MuscleMike, Muscle Otter, muscles 45, MusclesPassion, Muscolo, namazsk, nangkushti, naokijudo, ncwrestlingruf2, Nico-the-S-wrestler, nightmare, niwrestler, Noby, nola roller, NordikGrappler, nov, nwih, onbekend, on the line, Ordinaryguy1506, OresteWrestler, Orlandoscissors, osacro90, Ottawawrstlr, paradigm shift, pat boxer, paul fight, Peñafort, Perseus, Peter69, Petesub34, Peteuk, phemt3, piet819, Pinstride, PiperDave, Playhard, Playwrestling, pndfighter, poseidonwrestler, PrimalChaos, Prioss34, PROMISSION, prosubsladuk, ProTrunks, punchbaggg, Punchee1300, puncherbob, qldbeef, quam amoena, Quinn, rafalbel, ragingblackbull, rainer1401tha, raymond, Raywrestle, razkal, razorfish, ready4afight, realthing, Redmond40, resurgam, rfp6015239, ribash, Richie22222, rick5050, ringen-berlin, Ringo36, Ringwrestler, Riverwalker49, rocketmahn, ronaldb1974, RookieHeel, RoughPlayNNJ, Roundtwo2, Roybtm4wrest, Ruffbear7, ruffhouse30, Rumbler, rungymrun, Rusnak, rusubwrest, SammyBond, SansKuro, Sarpedon, ScorpGrapple, scotsgrappler, Scotsjay, scottimike, shadowwrestler, Shonner1708, SilverFoxFight, SingletMan, SJB, Slam me, sleepercub, SlimBoxing, Slookm, smirt, smokey, socalwrest, Some1, Somerset Stu, soxaholic, spandextight, sparkie, Spartak, Sportaddict, sportart, Sportsfanatic, Srh4691, steve50a, SteveB, stone, StrikeFighter, stvevo, sublondonsw4, Subman, submit2me, Sub Pro Learner, subwrest, Survivor, SZTMike, tansko, tattme2, Terryrassler, The claw, THEIRONMAN, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, Tiger, Tilau, timworld, tinytough, tjs70, TnTwister, TonyD, Track, trasgoluchador, Trianglechokeme, tricky, ts1976, TugaWrestler, txman, txwrestler, untouchable1, upstatefighter, usmcwrestler, uzs7ju, volcano, vostok scissors, Vpower, wadzoli, WAjobber, warriormatt, westox, wibster74, WildcatLes, WolfHH, Wolfman123, woohoopacha, wreslbear, wreslon, Wrest, WrestleAddict, wrestlebear410, wrestled, wrestle fun, wrestleguysd, Wrestlehound, wrestlemee, wrestlemenow1, wrestlemontreal, Wrestler4Fun, WrestlerBR, WrestlerFL, wrestle rob, WrestlerPunk, Wrestlesweat0077, wrestleu2, wrestlewanted, WrestleYou, wrestlingsub, Wrestlin lee, wrestswim, yorkshireboxer, Yuri, zeev, zmaccs)
- No, I wouldn't use it (558 avaliações: abs2000, aeneas, afire, Akrob, albny, Albthrowdown, alex83, anakron, andreawrestling, andrewj, Andy Bailey, Andy Bluebear, Andy Cage, Animal KingDom, Anr, Anvil, ARGONSA1, ArmwrestleAndMore, Armybob, Ascension Ninja, Asics, Atreju, a victor, axxo007, Azalku, azknockout, bach1369, back2pin4fun, bardobrat, Battleloverj, bcapprentice, bcnlift, bear2967, Beardome, Bearwrslr, BeatYa, Belgianjudoka, Berlin, BeTrayedBetrayal, bexar1, bgaff64, bi-bama, Big Ape, bigchicago, Big Guy, bigtuffguy, bjj-sub, Black Titan, Blaze Bradley, Bluejackets fan, bobmiller, boddyprett1, bodybuilder Matheus, Bone saw, borets, Boricua Wrestler, Bostongut, boxercvy, Boxingmarco, boxjim12, boxtpntx, braffertyg, Brendan Byers, brightonguy, Bristol Wrestle, Brit Pro Trunks, Broc, buck214, BullBoy, bullneck, busted open, caballero, Caguy, calihiker1, capnramrod, cba91, ce009, Centaur, CentralFL, chameleon, champ007, chestertom, Chicagochub1991, chigrapple, Chokemaster, Chris55, chriswrestles, chubbyp, ChuckD, clarkie94, ClevelandWrestler, cm2583, CoachWayne, cool bln, Cornerman, cortez, Cowboy, cristians16, Cronus, Crushwrestler, Cylus, dalazar, dandunn, DaveWV, Davey716, deepfought, denim, dguy, dhb57, Dirka, Docklands Bear, docmoose, DomSquashMatch, DomWrstlrUK, dpp4, Dragonbear, dragonuk, drahtman, Dusk, D Waren, Dylan Lane, Easygrapple, elderbouy1, elorian, Endurance Champ, enesso, EssexUK Brit Pro, EthanAxelAndrews, evenmatch, evnyc24, fatpack66, felix, fighter269, fighterhenk, FightGaz, Fightman, FightNut, fightsoldier, fightsport39, fireman87, Fistfitem2m, fitecrzr, fitemastr123, fitnesssouth1, FitScot, fitspeedo, fitwrestlerabs, flexboxer, FLGripper, FLGulfGuy, FLpinfall96, fmrhugger, Forester, forfun, fracle2, francknord59, Fredster, Freenote, frenchprowrestler, fsmeets60, FunfightFFM, gardenboy, Garydaltx75230, GatesvilleGuy, ggcatch, Ghjghj, ghostblinks, gingerwrestler, gjay, glaliot, glenscot01, gpau1900, gr8sportpa, grappler49, GRAPPLER74, Grappler it, grappleruk, GrappleViking, greatcarter, Greenwich, GroundFite, gryffst, G-shock, gures, GutPunchBear, Gutpuncher1049, guyaskinforit, Guysmiley, Gwp, Haarek, Hajj, Hammer, Happy to chat, hardfitsub, Hardgrip, hardpunch, hashbock, hcnfjm, headlockmehard, Headscissor Dude, heelforbears, hephaestion2014, Heraclius2, highscreener, hirschhornpeter, Hotrod9944, HudsonOH, hugefan, huge fighting man, hyacinthe, iammemeisi, imdone, Interactive, irishwrest, Islandmusc, iwant2boxNJ, j2047, jack02, Jack5, Jagoan, JakeTheJock, jamie125, Jamie19, jay 312, JayPuncher, jd, je999, jeuxcombat, jgrappler, jiminmaine, JitsuFe, JitsuSubmitU, jmanbama, Jobb27, jobbere14, Johnpunchgut, johnwhy, jole1976, Jsubwrestler, juanmadrid, judah1, Judoka WA, Judomonkey, Judopete, Jungle Jim, justsee, kayano, kent wrestling, K-Extreme, Kickboxer Boy, KicksBoxer, Kinnie, kodboxer1, koorwin, krak85, Krito65, kronoss, LAbackBreaker, lacteur1, LA Stocky Wrestler, leanmuscles, Lederjeans11, leelondon, leeray, leondex, Leorj, licyberfighter, Lincoln Lad, Lion71, LockUp, loco, Loganwrest, London1980, LondonBeef, Londonfightfan, LondonHeel, Long3CountPin, longlines8, lottatoremascherato65, lovefights, Ltsfght, ltwtveteran, ltwtwrslnyc, LuchaBoy, LuchadorVeracruzano, luctator76, lumanis, lutanim, lutteurlg, Lutteur Quebec, Lxdesign, madsur76, Magneto, man of 10000 holds, manuel76, manuz, marcwr, Mark Wrestler, marsupi, marty, Masked Speedo Lad, matchup, matguy, Matjock, matosu, matthias, Mattmma, matt nbg, maturewrestler51, matwork21, matworker, Maurice12, MAwrestler, Maxorlov5, MCRLON30UK, Melb sleeper, Mich123, midblue, midwestheel, Mike721, MikeUK, MississippiJock, MisterLegs, mixmail, mochablk, Morrosko, Mr Brightside, MslBearBrawler, munichsubfight, MuscChamp, musclechris80, MUSL-n-KY, muslsqueezed, Mvp6123, mwm2wrestle, NaturalBrute, ncgamer, Nelson67UK, neoncoastie, NEWBEE, nicholas2417, Nicko, northstaffs pitbull terrior, novice2, Noviceman, noweighout2002, Npdubai, oilwrestler, oldscrapperderby, oneatatime, Orthobull, ottawajock, OVERunder, PacNWBulldog, pandamonium, Parceiro, PaulPro, pbalestra, philip1, Phillip, PhoenixBigBear, phyta123, pinmehard, pinner1, pinningmuscle, pinortapforwin, plumtart, plzpunchmygut, PopeyeN, princepaulbritpro, princeps, Princesse Ludwyna, profan, ProFunTO, pronutt, ProWrslYVR, pshawfocus, Pullmanfighter, PunchingBagWanted, quam amoena, Ram, Randy0356, rangerboots, rassleme, RassleSF, ready4it, realboxer, redstarbear, renguin, resl4top, Richard, Richardomado, richie80, Rick Royal, Ridge, RingerHH1, Riviera Wrestle, RNC23, RNC81, Robared, rock20087, Rock Hard Pete, Roderix, RomaFighter, RoninWrestler, Roppa, Rowdy Submission, Royalb2, Rude, RuffFightChallenge, ruffguynm, RuffStuff, Rynoblaster, rythmofdesire, sabre123, saltybri, Sam, Sambobear, sanfrancisbro, SargeKO, Sbpme, schabernacken, scissornpinmenow, Scissortogo, Seb, Senior Bear, sharkffm, shorelineboxr, shortfighter, skinfightboi, Skrappy, slandon23, Slater Jackson, sleeperdude893, sleepforme, slim4thick, slimlondon4, slpt, Smeshy, Snakee, SoCalFIGHT, softwrestling68, sotto76, SpeedoFun, speedorassler, speedowrestle, spezialist, spladleguy, spud999, SqueezeNW, squeezerian, SteveJobberNYC, Steve Shock, Stew, stlfights, strangelove, subchuB69, subcontest, sub job, submissive50uk, suig, SuperVilão, surrey71, SurreyGuy, swfighter, swmr, synxiec, Syrwrestler, TaurN, TDOG, Tempus Fugit, TennisDude216, texasboy, tezza2, The Arrow, the punisher, TheSergent, thetallwrestler, The Titan, The Undertaker, Tigerrific, TigerWizard, tighttrunks45, timmo, titman, tjrassle, Tlsp, Tom 049, TommyNY, Tonio6989, training and fight, Trampling, Tristan98765, Triumphman65, tryharder, tupsi, twilegs, twisterman, TxWrestle, Tyger, Tynesider, ukboxer, ukgrappler, ukmark, valenciafight, Vanman, Verem, videoboyuk, v vv v, walsallgoodguy, wanna roll, Whifferdill, Whos101, wiggles, womanwrestler, Wrester1, Wrestkent, wrestl2win, Wrestle4Fun, wrestle4fun29, wrestle6fun, wrestle73, WrestleBob, wrestle bomb, Wrestleboyjoey, wrestlefighter80, Wrestle in london, Wrestlejudo, wrestlemat2001, wrestlemate 1, wrestlemeat, Wrestler50, WrestlerDurham, wrestlerjohn, wrestlerlutteur, wrestlerpgh, wrestlerstan, wrestlew, wrestling1982, wrestling82, wrestlingforfun, wrestlingstar, wrestlingtapout, wrestlnfool, wrestlron, Wrow99, wrsl247, Wrsl4fn, wrstleman, wrstnl, wrtlx, wvjobber, Yolo, yonkerswrangler, yoplaboom, YoungCousin, yyzgwmc2c, Zeus)
- No, because I don't exercise (75 avaliações: aaleh, alfredolima, alpinisto, amateurjase, Basildon Bloke, Beaker, bocachico, bodycontactau, boxingoldmen, brase, brawlmart, Bremer, caballero, caelum, cendwise, codwonplaywrestler, CRABBER2, dcur, Dylan Lane, Fairfighterworksop, Framateur, funrauf, geewrestler, Gilles Limber, gordonbelly, grapplerguy, grovelad, gutpunchmehard, happyman, ikf, jakeyoh, Japh1966, jayboy0204, Jean-Pierre, -kj, leatherhound, licyberfighter, lookupguy, luchador15, MEGRAPPLE, MTLwrestler1967, Muscle2015, MyFistYourGut, New2this, nicholas2417, niko06laus, Ohmask62, Parisbb, pavid, rec79, RedJim, Rovky35Wpt, rythmofdesire, Samuel, sbplooser, Schwabe, Shadow Knight, sleeperdude893, slyph82, Squashlad, Stefandelutte, superjake, Susanne, The Kestrel, thomas28, Tik, Vice, vonsueno, Wiesel 65xxx, wrestleinmn, Wrestlertoo, wrestling game, YORKIE, youngchubwarrior, yugo85)
Vê também: Poll: FitFighters (Workout Journal Feature)?