Jobber4u999's blog
First encounter
My first encounter in which I tested myself occured in 3rd grade in which I fought a boy on the playground.
I would like to remember a decisive victory for me but sadly it was not the case.
As I squared off against the other boy we were roughly the same size but he had already gained a reputation for being a scrapper … I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit scared because I was. He accused me of being a coward and pushed me back telling me that I was too chicken to do anything about it. The mized crowd was excited to see the fight and I felt like I couldn’t back down and then pushed him (or tried to) back when he punched me right in the mouth and I fell backward onto the ground. He immediate jumped on top of me straddling my chest and started smacking me across my face until a teacher came to break it up.
As I picked myself up I saw the girl that I had the hugest crush on had watched the fight and was congratulating my opponent for so easily beating me. I was so humiliated. I think this scarred me going forward.
Another tale to come if you like this one.
Licra (4)
14 dias atrásYo pegué a Ramón el orejón (Orejas grandes), que era uno de los matones del colegio. Pensó que porque era gay y un poco loca, no iba a poder ganarle. Desde ese día se convirtió en mi primer amante. Y te aseguro que no solo era orejón (Orejas grandes) ;-)
No hay nada como humillar a un buen macho.
Si te ha gustado la historia, puedo contarte más.