Saturday 8th June. South east uk. Well I trained for it and I am glad to say I completed the 11.3mile and 20 obstacles with my kids. Was a pure adrenalline rush all the way. The comradship amongst everyone was awesome as everyone encouraged each other and helped over walls and through knee deep mud pools. I'll post some pix tonight but i think your find tough mudder south east 2013 on youtube already if you want to watch the pain. I was probably 20 years senior to most of the entrants (i say entrant as TM is not a race its a test) but try me guys there is not one guy i have wrestled on here that couldn't complete it. How do I feel today? better than i did yesterday and am ready to wrestle tomorrow. Finally, Thank you to the guys the sponsored me. I raised £1200 for charity.

Cheers guys and hope to some of you there next year


Última edição em 10/6/2013 09:30 por Mark uk
Ligação Permanente



Sturdy (31)

10/6/2013 17:08

Congratulations :-)
