Mattyboy's blog

2 vs 1 (Skinnies vs fatty/Big brute)

After nearly nine years on this site trying to arrange a 2vs1 (one big two slim) match I've given up & lost interest. Too many fantasists without the will power to force it into reality. The one hundred plus people I've wasted effort & many messages trying to work this out with. Worse these fantasists have no imagination, instead they rely on me to script the entire match for them.

Therefore I'm doing just that. I'm writing a new story. One that compliments Double Trouble but is new, original & very different in tone. One that demonstrates what a wonderful experience this could have been if people ventured beyoud virtual reality into the physical realm.

It will be longer & more drawn out than my first foray into Squash fiction (look how he coined a new phrase for this genre). Therefore it will come in instalments. Serialised like a 19th century novel into the newspapers before full publication.

Última edição em 17/11/2019 03:44 por Mattyboy
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whoever77 (5)

18/11/2019 02:05

hey, I'm sorry you couldn't find people who'd be serious about your project. never give up on your dreams, wish you all the best!


Squasherbarnsley (2)

18/12/2019 01:06

I'd be happy to be the fatty


Mattyboy (10 )

19/12/2019 04:31

(em resposta à...)

Sounds good, I’m also interested in another 1 vs 1 match. I’ll run this by a couple of lightweights to team up with.


Squasherbarnsley (2)

14/1/2020 11:13

(em resposta à...)

Ok let me know


bigchicago (68)

26/1/2020 03:25

Too bad our paths never crossed
