Sussexstrongman's blog
Weights in my trunks...
Back in January it was weight training in lockdown. Then I reviewed my food diet. Then I stopped drinking alcohol (12th week) and now I am walking at speed.
I am now pumping for 20 minutes HIIT 45 kilos.
Getting shape for the right opponent.
bushchub (38)
03/8/2021 19:04I’m ready for you.
Sussexstrongman (4)
03/8/2021 19:23(em resposta à...)
I am getting more ready ;-)
bigt730 (13 )
03/8/2021 19:04You’re looking good there my friend. Can see laying off the old booze and watching what you’re eating is paying off in dividends. Plus you’re looking great in trunks more than ever. Good for you!! Well done!!
Sussexstrongman (4)
03/8/2021 19:23(em resposta à...)
Thank you Sir, one day.
Billy123 (1)
03/8/2021 20:06Looking great man, really good! 💪🏻
ShaneHannagan (31)
03/8/2021 20:32Would love to take you on again J. Looking good my man.
Nightwing (2)
03/8/2021 20:52I am ready to take you in a ring man!
Proinca (16 )
04/8/2021 00:36U look great champ
ordjbr (69)
04/8/2021 03:29Fantastic work and results stud👍🏻👍🏻💪💪💪💪
Antheus (42 )
05/8/2021 00:52I am ready for you- will you ever be in Manchester?