
wrestlerdu é recomendado por Boxer Saarland (13/9/2012)

wrestlerdu ist ein sehr angenehmer, netter Mensch. Beim gutpunching hat er unglaubliche Nehmerfähigkeiten und er lernt schnell Boxtechniken, die man ihm zeigt. Boxen und Gutpunching macht einfach Spass mit ihm. Ein zuverlässiger Freund, keine Frage.


Boxer Saarland é recomendado por wrestlerdu (13/9/2012)

Boxer Saarland ist ein langjähriger Boxer der sich an seinen Gegner anpassen kann, die nicht so viel Erfahrungen haben. Er liebt das gutpunching so wie ich, wenn man etwas älter mit Schnauzer ist. Er ist ein Freundlicher, Ehrlicher und Humorvoller Kerl, darüber hinaus ist Er ein sehr netter Gastgeber und ein Liebenswerter Mensch. Er ist mir wie ein Freund, ich Freue mich schon auf unseren nächsten Treffen


anakron é recomendado por fighter1977 (13/9/2012)

he is a very friendly and uncomplicated guy. we fought 2 days. These 2 fighting days were great! He is strong and learns very fast. The second fight day was not so easy for me because he learned fast.
I hope to keep in touch and we can fight again.
It was a lot of fun
If you have the chance to meet him, meet him! Big recommendation!


James87 é recomendado por ATONMAN (13/9/2012)

10.09.2012 - young fighter with the right amount of grit and physically very similar to me. We also challenged in sweaty match and we look like oil wrestlers ...enjoy a lot for that!
We are close and although our commitments do not allow us to see each other often I hope to meet him soon again.


Armybob é recomendado por judoka33 (12/9/2012)

Armybob is a strong man he learns quick
he is very social and a really nice man
try him for a long fight :) :)


judoka33 é recomendado por Armybob (12/9/2012)

Judoka33 is a skilled, stong and competitive fighter with a friendly attitude.

Challenge him if you think you are man enough!!


EduardoGutpunch é recomendado por groznij (12/9/2012)

Masculine, strong and willing to learn and get better. Easygoing and nice guy (and cute too) definitely recommended for friendly bouts.


fighter1977 é recomendado por anakron (12/9/2012)

He is a very friendly and reliable guy and I got to hang out and fight with him while in Vienna for two days. It was great! Sweat all over and while he dominated our battle the first day, it was way more balanced this morning. He knows a lot of techniques and I got to learn some of it. He's a strong, enduring and fair fighter, and I'm looking forward a lot to fight with him again. B I G recommendation.

Kurzum: Der Piefke und der Ösi ham sich an coolen Battle geliefert ;-)


RingerbodyMUC é recomendado por anakron (12/9/2012)

Sehr starker Kerl mit extrem trainierten Body, da hatt ich irgendwann nicht mehr viel entgegenzusetzen.


groznij é recomendado por EduardoGutpunch (12/9/2012)

Absolutely sound lad. So easy going and a great fighter too. Defo made me work hard. Overall, a really nice, strong chap.
