southerngrappler's blog

Is this the end? I think not.

I have never blogged before on this site.... Actually at all from memory But I wanted to write a short message to reflect on the last two weeks in the life of Steve Southerngrappler

Some will know that after three years on this site I chose to suspend my profile two weeks ago. The reasons for this are not important and are now irrelevant. I considered removing it all together to be honest.

Now the reason for this bit iof info is to introduce something that has warmed my heart a bit. After suspending my profile I suddenly realised how many good friends I have on this site. Those were the ones that called and text and emailed and facebooked. Infact did anything to get hold of me and ask me if I was ok and what had happened. Take it from me these messages of warmth and genuine friendship is why I am back here and I thank them all for caring about me to ask and enquirer and in two cases arrange meets too

So I am back.

Don't let the elements of life that irritate or annoy drag you down. I won't with the support I have. I have a passion for my sport and that will never be dented


Última edição em 30/9/2012 17:36 por southerngrappler
Ligação Permanente



merseywrestle (62)

30/9/2012 20:13

Thats what I wanted to hear !!!


merseywrestle (62)

30/9/2012 20:13

Thats what I wanted to hear !!!


matslam (197 )

01/10/2012 08:27

Lets stick together all of us wrestling fans,despite the distance.Im glad knowing Im not alone! Nikos


Twister81 (4)

01/10/2012 08:46

Don't let anyone get to you or make you feel that you need to give up your passion or friends you have made from the sport


Warkscub (83)

01/10/2012 14:58

Glad to have you back Steve and look forward to getting to grips with you again whenever you want!!!


dirtyfitcheetah (14)

01/10/2012 19:21

Well according to the Mayan calender it ALL ends on 21 December 2012 any. So get stuck in Southern


Guysmiley (41 )

01/10/2012 20:22

Thanks for sharing this with us. I don't know you as of yet, but find it refreshing as I have developed many close relationships online. Notice I didn't actually say personal because many of them I have only met online, never in person, but when things happen, they care just as much as anybody else. Again, thanks for sharing and welcome back.


Manc Pete (125)

01/10/2012 22:36

Steve, God knows what happened, but just remember there are more goodies around than baddies


Perseus (147)

02/10/2012 00:28

(em resposta à...)

Welcome back and just chill lol Sometimes in life you just gotta enjoy the better moments and wrestling is just that
