Boxer_Daddy's blog

“Hey man are you into such n such? (Not in my Profile!)”
“I’m into this (Also, Not in my Profile!)… can we meet up?”
“You look great! Can we meet to (DEFINITIVELY, Not in my Profile!) this…?”

YES! I’M BACK! How are we in 2020, some forty years after the advent of the modern home computer and internet only to have guys STILL NOT READING profiles? This is for all the NON-Readers, it’s time to utilize that skill and not the fantasy cock between your legs when reaching out to others.
How is it that I have a profile that CLEARLY states my kink, the kind of fights and things I’m looking for, etc. I even have pics to CLEARLY display these things, yet I’m getting “visitors” that see my pic and instantly envision me in their particular fantasy? It’s like SCREW whatever the hell I’m ACTUALLY in to. Apparently, I’m on this site for the objectification of onlookers and THEIR personal preferences and likes. Why bother with actually filling out a DETAILED description when every third guy passing by is just gonna make up what they want me to be. I have no free will of my own. How dare I suggest that I have an actual preference? I MUST be going about this whole thing the wrong way, to actually give a possible interest the option to finding out if we’re actually compatible... NO!
Here’s some STRONG Advice if you want to get a guy’s attention and have him take you seriously, READ THE DAMN PROFILE!! Myself and a few others have DEFINITIVE markers and points in our descriptions that if you violate, your message will be deleted and you may even get blocked the first time out. Treat people like the human being you want to be treated as… you know like that Bible verse says “Do unto others, as you would have other do unto you.” I promise you it will works wonders.
And if you’re a dick expect to get “dicked” around. I pass the soapbox onto the next RANT WARRIOR.

Última edição em 17/11/2020 17:38 por Boxer Daddy; 9 comentário(s)
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“So what do you like best about boxing?”
“Did you see the shot that the champ hit him with?”
“What’s your style of boxing?”
“How many guys have you fought?”
“What’s your favorite punch?”
“So what do you like best about boxing?”
“If we boxed what combination would you hit me with first?”

“WHAT… THE… FUCK…? Enough already!”

I’M BACK, with another Hot Beef. The TALKER! These guys know who they are. These “Wanna-be Boxers” that sit at home scouring the internet looking for a real boxer to talk about boxing. When they finally find him they practically glue the other guy to his virtual keyboard asking him every question under the sun about the sport like an interrogation and even inquire about the same things multiple times over. If you have good recollection about conversations like I do, it’s VERY irritating.

“What color is your gear?”
“Do you like throwing the uppercut?”
“When was your last fight?”
Last week
“What color is your gear?”
The same color as the first time you asked me!

I enjoy conversing about boxing just as much as the next guy, but DUDE! Are you’re gonna talk me to death? Honestly you can only talk about the sport so much before you have to Just Go and Do IT! This is even worse when you and the “perp” live in the same town! Look, I get it! This is your chance to live vicariously through the experience of an athlete that participates in the Sweet Science on a regular basis. But did it ever occur to you that this is like torture to them. They’ve BEEN there, DONE that! It’s time to just Shut Up and Fight. At some point you have to actually climb into the square circle and see what you’re made of. How tough is your mental and physical fortitude? Then you can create your OWN experiences and defining moments in time to be remember for the rest of your life.

Trust me on this... as someone that has pioneered his own path, it is FAR more rewarding than following in the footsteps of someone else.

Última edição em 23/3/2020 17:10 por Boxer Daddy; 21 comentário(s)
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Here we go again folks. This RANT has been in the back of my mind for years only to be brought to the forefront recently. I’m calling out the Picture requesting Whores. Do I have your attention, yet?

Okay! So here’s the situation. You create a Boxing profile on a fight site, Facebook, MySpace (yeah, I know it’s old) whatever the hell. You put up a few pics and you’re like okay. My profile is up I’m looking to attract other boxers to meet up with and such. Then some stalker guy comes along with NO pictures in his profile much less one as his main avatar if that’s even really him and he’s like: “You should post more pics.” WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! Dude AIN’T GOT NAM ONE and yet you’re telling me I should post more pics. BITCH PLEASE! You needs to go find you someone else to stalk ‘cause it’s not happening here. Yeah, I know its bad grammar but sometimes you gotta get ghetto on pricks when talking to some of these pathetic wanna be picture whore collectors. I mean like the guy is not even a boxer much less fighter. He probably hasn’t seen a gym with the exception of one on TV and he sits around at home fantasizing over real athletes that actually put time into their bodies and perfecting their craft. And yet he has the nerve to tell someone they need to post more pics. I’d tell the ‘perp’ to kiss my Natural Black Hairy Ass, but he probably like that.

Over the years I’ve had close to a hundred guys ask/tell me to do this and it “Urks” me to no end. The worst of these guys is the ones that have a line in their profile at the bottom of their description that says “No pic, No response.” WTF? I can’t believe this dick wad has the audacity to tell other people that they shouldn’t contact them without a visual representation of themselves and yet they don’t have one to let others know what their possibly getting into. “And I sayeth unto Felicia. BYE!” Where do guys like this get off? And IRL I bet these guys are like “I wonder why I can’t meet anyone.” Probably because their BUTT Ugly and can only lure unsuspecting interests in this way. I specifically know of one guy that posted headless shots on his profile for years. I always wondered why ‘cause his body isn’t bad to look at. Then one day he posted a face shot. Great Googaly Moogaly! Talk about a face only a mother could love. WHOO! Someone had brutalized his head with an ugly bat and didn’t spare the strokes. I read somewhere that you shouldn’t box ugly guys because they have nothing to lose but any one that beat this guy probably wouldn’t be able to get it up afterwards having to look at that mug. I mean he looked like the Great Depression did the Lindy-Hop on his face then tossed him into the 20th Century to fend for himself on his looks alone. I’m surprised this guy hadn’t starved to death yet. After that I thoroughly understood why he cut his head off in his pics. YOUCH!

Also what’s up with the glove in front of your face pose. FYI, this is not a real boxer’s pose. This obvious attempt to hide your face tells the rest of the world two things: 1 – You don’t know how to box since you’re not holding your hands correctly to defend yourself. 2 - That you’re ashamed of your attraction to other men and being into boxing. But think about it, what could be more manly than knowing how to defend yourself in a real fight? Or better still being a gay man and knowing how to handle yourself in a boxing match.

Anyway, I’m not a religious guy but I end with this… “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” If you want to see a guy in his gear you should have pics of yourself in gear. I can assure you the response will be positive. Anything less and your results will vary negatively.

Comments are welcome but don't be surprised if you get critiqued back.

Última edição em 31/8/2018 03:08 por Boxer Daddy; 8 comentário(s)
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It's very appropos, that I should be posting this now since I'm being asked about hosting a Boxing Event. So Read ON!

The Gay Boxing Event! Never heard of them? You’re not the only one… these are rare proceedings that occur annually or sometimes semi-annually. In other words they seldom happen if they occur at all. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get two or more gay pugilists in the same city, much less state to show up at an arranged gym meeting to actually oh I don’t know, BOX one another! You’d be better off working on the World Peace thing. Yeah, you can tell I’m heated about this one.

Okay, so well over a decade ago a cool guy with a ring his garage set out to have a Boxing weekend for a few gay boxers that he had been chatting with online for years. He called it Harbor Fight. He had this great idea that it would be cool to actually meet the guys he’d been communicating with and box them IRL (In Real Life) for the older generation. Armed with nothing but the best intentions he hosted the weekend and allowed the few boxers that showed up to box and intermingle. Only five guys, including the host, showed up and it was a GREAT success. In fact the weekend was done again the next year with some variations on the participants. Now these weekends did not go off without some issues. The primary one being the invited participants. Now I have no problem with a guy not being able to attend because he had something previously scheduled, a medical or family emergency but when you contact the host or guests with BS excuses like “I’m scared to box in front of other guys,” “I don’t have all the necessary gear,” “You guys are too skilled for me” or “I can’t go back to work with marks on my face.” WHAT THE FUCK! MAN UP, DUDE! Stop being a bitch and take advantage of this rare convergence of homosexual men that are actually engaging in an uber-masculine sport and completely dispelling the myth that all gay men are created feminine, limp wristed, light in the loafers, feather boa carrying, sissy pants finger pointing punks. Heaven forbid you should show off the skills you supposedly claim that you have in your online sport profile. Live up to YOUR WRITTEN words, if not forever hold your peace. There’s a concept, why hasn’t this been done before? Oh wait! It has been done by the forefathers of this country and those seeking a better way of life to live by, they wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution! If you can’t do as you wrote then you must be one of those “FAKE BOXERS” I’ve ranted about in the past.

Moving on! Years later another event sprang up called Boxing Before Burgers & Beer by an enthusiastic straight pugilist in Illinois. He had no problems boxing guys that did as they said no matter what their sexual orientation was.
As one of the participants from that first Harbor Fight I always dreamed of hosting the event in my home town in the Northeast of the US. In Jan of 2017 I made that wish a reality. I even thought of several ways to improve on the original. I brought vintage boxing gear from my collection, then setup a camera to allow the guys to take pictures looking like the boxers from the late 1800’s – early 1900’s. I gave boxing pointers, tips and even offered to sell copies of my two erotic boxing books. This was the first time such a momentous occasion would occur and it might not happen again. What’s funny is since moving back to the northeast from Atlanta, several guys had been asking me to setup such a thing as they had a great interest in attending.
As we all know GAY men TALK! Even though the event was by invite only word got around that something was going down. Since it was to be held at my gym I had a number of people contacting me asking about it. “Who all is coming?”, “What days are you guys sparring?”, “How many rounds you guys gonna fight? Etc… etc… etc…” I mean they wanted to know every detail. DUDE! Just come and find out for Yourself! Didn’t happen! One of my other guests had someone call him and say “I could drive there but, I don’t have any gear of my own,” and “I don’t have a mouthguard.” If you can drive your ass to the event then you can stop into a Sports Authority or Modell’s and buy some Fucking workout clothes and a Damn mouthguard. Seriously what kind of dumb ass excuse is that? And why the hell are you calling to inform of your ‘possible’ attendance if you can’t pick up a vital piece of equipment. LOOK! I have no problems with guys that are living in their own little fantasy world and imagining what they would like to be doing in whatever scenario. But when you start dragging other people into this make-believe Fairy-Never-Neverland realm and expect them to adhere to these made up rules you’ve created then there’s a serious problem. Keep Yo LAME Wanna Be Weekend Boxer-Warrior Wishful Thinking sorry asses at home and let the real Fighters do what they do best – LIVE LIFE & BOX!

I’m off my soapbox for now. Thanks for reading, you may return to your normally scheduled life. As always comments are welcomed, but they may get critiqued as well.

Última edição em 26/2/2018 19:34 por Boxer Daddy; 25 comentário(s)
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