Boxer_Daddy's blog

Okay, it's official, I'm a blogger. I had only hoped to respond to msgs from my earlier posts left by interested parties but it seems I've developed something of a fan base. And they've asked to me to speak on other topics. I'm already a writer so I suppose this is just part of my nature. I just didn't want to be one of those guys that was seen as simply bitching about stuff. I'm truly only looking to make guys aware of the inconsistencies and lies of other individuals so they will be better prepared to deal with them.

Okay so this one is for all fighters. How many times have you been perusing through profiles and see a guy you'd like to fight? You check out his profile and see commonalities including fight genre. Next you contact him and low and behold he responds. The two of you setup a meeting time & place. Eventually comes the time to meet in person. NOTE: Eight out of ten meetings from online sites never happen. You wait for the guy in a shop, a gym or some other public local. Around the appointed meeting time an older gentleman approaches you. Briefly you say to yourself, "Who is this old guy?" Until the facial recognition software in your brain kicks in and you realize this IS the guy you were supposed to meet. Problem is he's like 15 to 20 years older than any picture you've ever seen. WTF?!?! Unless you're rude, a prick or just plain mean and leave right there you decide to converse with the guy only to confirm your suspicions. Guys, THIS IS WRONG! Putting up pics of yourself from your hey-day when you currently look nothing like this IS WRONG! It is the same as LYING! NOT TELLING your intended interest is a LIE of Omission and a LIE of Omission is still a LIE! Worse still is when the pictures are of a well built or conditioned guy that looks like he can give you a decent run for your money and would be fun to punch, roll, grapple or whatever. For those that came out late in life, I'm truly sorry it took this long, but you've made it. You took that final step to be comfortable in yourself, who you are and your sport. Now it's time to be honest with others. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of older fighters out there, thus I understand why you pretend to visually be your younger self. But this is not an excuse to mislead others. You'd be surprised at how many guys like to fight older dudes. I know of a few young boxers that will only fight "Daddy" types or "Daddy" looking boxers. In spite of my age, it's a category I do not fall in, . To each his own I say, many of us have preferences. Again take pride in your age, you've come this far in life and have a considerable amount of experience and abilities that others can only benefit from. I'm often asked to spar with kids three times younger than me to help them improve. My skill level allows me to fight a multitude of guys with varying skill levels, thus I'm in demand. You'll be in demand to once guys realize how much you have to offer.

Última edição em 16/10/2012 03:12 por Boxer Daddy; 0 comentário(s)
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The Pic in a Profile. A man has spent years in isolated seclusion dealing with his sexuality and attraction to boxing. He finally comes to terms with it and decides to seek out other men who engage in the homosexual pugilistic aspects of the sport. He finds a combat sport themed site such as "Meet Fighters" to meet men of similar caliber. AND the first thing he does is only partially fill out a profile and post a picture of himself (if even manages to do that) with his gloves in front of his face so no one can see his mug. WTF?!?! First off this is a ridiculous pose. Secondly it shows a guy has no clue how to hold his hands in a real fight to protect himself. How is anyone supposed to be able to get a good look at you to see if they want to fight you? Of course boxers should be looking at your physique to see if they can handle you in the ring, but we all know that gay men are VISUAL creatures. I've chatted with other boxers that tell me they won't fight a particular guy because he's ugly. AGAIN WTF?!?! What difference does it make if he's not that good looking? You're planning on slamming your fists into his face and making him less attractive anyway! I guess that old saying is true. "Don't box ugly people; they have nothing to lose in a fight." Still, what are you hiding from?

Now of course some MOOK wrestler(s) or masked Luchador(s) is going to read this and add his unwanted two cents to the rant. For them I say, this is directed at Glove-Faced boxers NOT wrestlers in any way shape or form. Yes, there is an appeal to masked Lucha, but we're not talking about masked boxing. A boxer wants to see the damage he inflicts on his opponent. He wants to leave marks on his opponents face to let the world know that the other guy has been in a fight and did not fare well against him.

I will say this. I've noticed that usually older boxers or rather middle-aged men and up are the only types of boxers that do this in their profile. DUDE! Why are you hiding? With the advent of TV, more and more proud gay men and women athletes are coming out every day. Of course, I can't guarantee, but I doubt your true family and friends would ostracize you because of this. They would be like "Hhmm… I didn't know. But it's cool." Being a gay boxer only vilifies your existence. You DO like Hitting on men! All of my sparring partners are str8 and they know about me. I'm the 2nd toughest boxer in the gym, only the professional fighter is better. What are my opponents gonna do, kick my ass? NOT!

NOTE: Meet Fighters is a login site. If someone outs you it means they had to have logged in created profile and snooped around just to find you. Which means they're bi or gay too.

As I get off my soapbox, I'll leave you with this. If you love the sport of boxing take pride in it. Be proud of yourself that you've come this far in your pugilistic journey to have the ability to face off against other men and test your physical and mental fortitude in the squared circle. You will only become a stronger boxer and a better man for it. Your sexuality does not make you any less of a warrior in the ring.

Última edição em 04/10/2012 04:06 por Boxer Daddy; 0 comentário(s)
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I am not a “Blogger.” I do not sit around all day and literate my opinion everyday for others to read and either agree or pass judgment on me. I am a writer. And every now and then something bothers me to no end that I feel a need to write about. So if you “feelin’ me” cool. If not, then that’s on you. This is simply my opinion and how I see things.

WRESTLERS who contact BOXERS for a fight. WTF?!?!?!? Can someone please explain this to me? I have profiles on a few sites. ALL OF THEM profusely state my DESIRE and PREFERENCE to STRICTLY Box and only meet OTHER guys who BOX for “REAL FIGHTS.” In fact at the end of ALL my profiles IT CLEARLY STATES “I DO NOT WRESTLE! SO DO NOT ASK!” SO! Can someone PLEASE tell me WHY I’m still being contacted by wrestlers asking me to fight? Are these wrestlers FUCKING STUPID?! Can they not read?! Are these wrestlers that bad that they can’t find anyone to beat up on so they ask a boxer? Are they getting some perverted pleasure out of challenging or asking a guy in another fight genre to battle?! Clearly it would not be an even fight. There are THOUSANDS of wrestlers out here in comparison to only a few hundred boxers. WHY THE FUCK are some of them asking a BOXER if he wants to fight?! I would love to hear from others on their thoughts on this.

Keep your guard up and come out punching

Techboxer aka Boxer Daddy

Última edição em 15/7/2022 06:04 por Boxer Daddy; 10 comentário(s)
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