southerngrappler's blog

Wrestling? What's that all about then?

I thought after reading Tallblondwrestler's blog entry (it's his fault I am into this now I think...) I thought I would think back over my 6 years of my active participation in wrestling...

Now I have to say that when I tell people I wrestle - those that don't usually - I find the reaction to be along the lines of the title of this entry if not far worse. Many people don't get it and especially gay guys - have learnt in my life not to use it as a ice breaker on a date for instance... Unless of course you actually know that's not going to make them run a mile at the thought!!!

But it did make me think why I started this game. I have met well over 100 guys in my time and although I may not have wrestled them all I have enjoyed the varied experience that has brought. I have wrestled in all sorts of environments although matrons or matted areas and of course the ring work best for me. Open fields and woodland aren't great.... Fun but not the best... Take it from me!!!!

Even including the three months after I broke my ankle and coming back after that injury I have enjoyed being part of this circus of life. And take it from me some of the characters in it make it like that

My love of the sport is firmly in the roots of World of Sport and Saturday afternoons. As a teenager my fascination with it made me want to be there. When I first stepped in the ring at Pippas it was fantastic. Every time I have the privilege of taking someone there for the first time they tell me the same. It's the buzz of the environment and the ring itself. But my love and passion go well beyond that and that's why I am here and I have continued to do this through difficult and frustration times

What have I learned??? Loads about me. I used to hate sport now I am more competitive than I have ever been. I used to be ashamed of how I looked and now I wear trunks and boots in front of guys I have never met before and I have really enjoyed learning about the sport and the moves.

All of this would not have been possible without all the friends I have met through this sport. Some of us are in this for different things like everything in life but for me the interaction and the sport are great. Together with some verbal and some dirty tactics of course :)

So what's it all about. Well it's about being able to understand what it's really about That's about making good friends and having a good time and in my case not breaking my ankle again!!

Enjoy your sport. It's not worth doing if you don't!!!


Última edição em 14/10/2012 16:26 por southerngrappler
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Mrdirtybear (0)

22/10/2012 22:29

I loved the answer to your question 'So what is it all about?' It is about finding out what it is all about-self knowledge where you never get to the bottom of the knowledge because there always further to go, and you make a lot of good acquaintances on the way... Thanx.
