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Alf Nelson's blog

'Wrestling Playlists’ on YouTube.

Hi. If you love the old US pro wrestling, I’d recommend the ‘Wrestling Playlists’ YouTube channel, which is quite new and has been uploading lots of old bouts from the US lately:

This YouTube channel also runs a newsletter, which has lots of information about the old pro wrestling. If you would like to subscribe, go to

Last edited on 1/30/2024 2:52 PM by Alf Nelson
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Pennsypinner (58)

1/30/2024 3:31 PM

Old pro matches on YouTube are awesome. A lot of matches in black and white as they were on TV back in the 50s and 60s. I enjoy the USA ones and also some French ones, which may be from Canada, I am not positive about their origin. Long held holds with a lot of arm and leg locks, and continual work on a weakened body part is always hot to watch. Matt D has a channel where the videos are relatively clear. I also enjoy the earlier WOS videos too, but they seem to be mostly in color. Nothing better than the early pros who looked like real men.
