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Recently, I've been asked by members some questions, wch I will try to answer in this blog & in a latter one- like do I still wrestle? Yes, tho not from members here, basically w tourists who are game for some hot, sweaty fun & yes, I had some gr8t matches b4 I left NY (but again, not w anyone from this site); do I travel back to the States? No, I didn't travel much when I lived back in the States, wch is why I didn't have many listed matches & No, I don't really intend or want to tho I am considering a partial residence in San Diego next year; why so few listed matches? A few reasons above but more details below & another time; & what happened w Coach?, wch I will explain shortly.
Generally, lemme just say that in all honesty, wrestling for me is very erotic & always has been so just know, I won't wrestle anyone from this site unless they are gonna make my dick hard; otherwise, I'm not gonna have the desire to compete w U for domination, test your strength & skill, it's a waste of my time & at my age, I no longer allow that to happen. Which brings up another point- my age; at 70, I aint gonna be wrestling at the Gay Games, aint wrestling for a scholarship, aint gonna compete w men way younger than myself- it's for fun, body contact, & exercise. Which brings up another point- over a year ago, in my last blog, I mentioned there was a beach w my name on it- PV Baby! Fell in love w the place & made it my biz to get my butt here full time- I live in year round summer, luv it, w/in walking distance to a beach, luv it, & PV is 1 of the premier gay tourist destinations on the planet, LOVE THAT! So, I am outdoors all the time, swimming/gym almost every day, plenty of exercise & "body contact"whenever I choose so I am more than happy w my life/lifestyle here (wch explains why I really haven't been online much this past year, hardly ever in chat).
B4 I drove down here last year, I thought I might stop along the way & have some matches but my goal was to get here as quickly as possible (4 days to Flagstff, 3 more days to PV & that's travelimg 10-14 hours/day) so I apologize to some men I had been chatting with about not meeting up (& because the trip was way too long, never drove back). I live in the Romantic Zone (RZ) & tho we do have gyms, there are no wrestling/boxing/martial arts gyms here tho there are some bjj/boxing gyms in other parts of the city; now that I'm finally settled into my condo, I may consider joining one but key word is may- as I said, I live in perpetual summer & I'm too old & happy to get my lazy ass butt up & out for an early AM or evening training sessions, esp if most of the class is under 25 (most gyms in PV are NOT air-conditioned & I'm not fully acclimated to a tropical summer- just working out at Big Apple this past summer, I always sweat buckets & lose a couple of pounds). So we go to the beach & swim, wch is, was & always will be my favorite exercise- water sports are my passion, big reason why I moved here.
Now Coach- many of U know my relationship w Joe cause I was busted up when he suddenly cut off our training sessions w/o any explanation, a subject of my 2nd blog- I was devastated because of our close relationship over the prior years. Then, in another blog, I wrote how lucky I was that we reconnected. Now, I can say how extremely fortunate I was to have spent trime training w him- I cannot say w certainty what happened but I believe he may be at peace. When Joe & I reconnected, he made cleat that he had no idea how long we would continue training together & when the tme came, he would let me know- the time came.
We trained for another 18 months & this time, it was time for me to step up since our training was as much about him as it was for me- I cannot say why but obviously being in gr8t shape from an early age w hus 8-pac & having an extensive background in boxing. he enjoyed gut punching & man, did he enjoy taking that ball hundreds of times; just as he always pushed me, I did the same to him to keep him in shape. Very few of U know what it's like to deal w individuals who are terminally ill- having cared 4 friends & partners for over a dozen years during the AIDS epidemic, all of whom died, & having cared for an elderly disabled parent till her death for over a dozen years, U sorta learn to appreciate the time U have together cause once it's gone, it's gone, no regrets. Joe was, as always, the same remarkable Coach that gave me the hardest gut I ever had & harder than most on this site- I've yet to see anyone do a video similar to mine, just sayin. But, to me, he was so much more than that- he was one of the more dominant male figures in my life: we listened to each other- for example, I never tired of hearing his RailRoad stories & jokes & he was curious when I told him about my gay lifestyle in NY (wch made him very different from most conservative Southerners); we confided in each other & gave each other advise- he was my friend, a brother & I miss him. About 6 months ago, he told me that it was time; he had prepared me so as upsetting as it was, no tears, no drama but a heartfelt Good Bye & I told him I loved him & he said he loved me. I miss that man- he was 1 of the most generous, honest, open hearted sportsman that I have ever met, totally w/o arrogance or pretense, a gentleman. U guys wanna know about tuff/strength- imagine getting a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer & being told U may have only a few months (luckily, he had longer); imagine watching & experiencing your body parts weaken/deteriorate gradually- only then can U imagine the mental & physical strength & character that it takes to accept that diagnosis & fight every day for some normalcy, esp when U were in perfect health for most of your life- that's TUFF! I can go on indefinitely but U guys get the idea of how much I admire, respect & love Joe.
A couple of months later, a couple of months ago, I noticed a call/message from Joe that came while I was at the beach, an unavoidable regret- it was from Joe but the nessage wasn't able to transcribe, wch leads me to believe his time had come- he said he would try to let me know & I believe he did. I am honored/glad to have known the man, nothing more to be said.

Last edited on 10/22/2023 7:37 AM by Pwers1103



rowdybear (43 )

10/22/2023 3:49 PM

Thank you for this important update. Glad to hear you've found your bliss! Thanks as well for sharing about Coach - we had a lot of laughs (and did A LOT of V ups) on the phone, he toughened me up and helped me see the capacity to be stronger than imaginable and did so with that Southern gentlemanly politeness and charm. I could tell he was a great man from our first phone conversation as he was going through a drive thru and was so kind to the worker. I hope he has a peaceful passage to what comes next. Thank you.


Shoot (14 )

10/22/2023 7:25 PM

Thank you for sharing.


Propin (0)

10/23/2023 7:57 PM

Ok that was some reading. I’m happy to slip away as a married man to wrestle and have fun. Good luck man
