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Gabe Steel is recommended by TBLHockeyGeek (11/10/2020)

The second Gabe walked into the door I was immediately amazed with the presence this guy brings. Super friendly, incredible body, and fists as hard as steel. Gabe took to twisting me up in knots while pounding the shit out of my gut. Felt completely safe with the guy and looking forward to meeting up with him again soon - next time in a ring. Thanks Gabe!


Pé pesado is recommended by wrestlersp (11/10/2020)

Um parrudo tipo peso pesado mesmo. Gosta de briga e vem pra cima. Não interessa se vc é maior como rolou com a gente. Com sua cara de homem maduro bonito faz da luta um jogo bem gostoso.


mftyo15 is recommended by The Pit (11/10/2020)

Enjoyed wrestling with this pure gentleman. It seems as if that I have wrestled with a real top athlete! Big, hairy, safe and fun. Gave me a very good work out. He is also very kind person and great communicator. Wrestle with him and have fun!
PS: So sorry about the jaw🙏🏽my bad. Hope to see you again when the pandemic is over. Stay safe and stay healthy buddy!


The Pit is recommended by mftyo15 (11/10/2020)

Great submission, almost broke my jaw when hold his submission.
If you can throw him, simply do it.

Plus if :
- you are heavier than him
- you understand proper technique (so you can pin him all the time)
- you have well-built physique

Please do a match with The Pit.


Riles17 is recommended by wrestlerdude31 (11/10/2020)

We had a fun time while I crushed Jorge! He took his punishment and looked good getting dominated! Great guy who is super interesting and a great conversationalist! I enjoyed talking to him almost as heeling him! Hope to meet up again soon!


Njarmy151 is recommended by Tiger (11/10/2020)

njarmy is relatively easy to set up a meet with. we did some armwresting and he proved to be strong. however i did beat him with both arms he is easy to talk with, and he shows up promptly and with a very cooperative attitude. he is sane and safe. good guy and easy to get along with.


MichaNRW82 is recommended by Submissionfighter (11/10/2020)

MichaNRW82 und ich haben uns bereits seit Wochen gegenseitig bis aufs Blut provoziert. Unsere angestauten Aggressionen haben sich dann direkt entladen, als wir uns gegenüberstanden. Ohne viel Gelaber fingen wir direkt an zu kämpfen und haben uns ein heftiges Match geliefert, in dem von Beginn an fest stand, dass es am Ende nur einen Gewinner geben darf. Trashtalking beim fighten hat das ganze noch angestachelt und so haben wir in einem schweißtreibenden Match geklärt, wer der Alpha von uns beiden ist! 👊🏼 Er hat gezeigt, dass er Power, Kraft und ne Menge Testestoron hat. Wenn mit der Erfahrung die Technik kommt, wird er ein harter Gegner für viele hier werden!
Nachdem wir das geklärt hatten, konnten wir uns noch ein wenig unterhalten, ohne uns direkt an die Gurgel gehen zu wollen. Dabei war er ein angenehmer Gesprächspartner. Zum Glück wohnen wir nicht zu nahe. Vermutlich würden wir uns ständig treffen und uns aufs Maul hauen. 👊🏼


Strongarmedhulk20 is recommended by Celticmuscle (11/09/2020)

Have had the great pleasure of meeting this massive man many times over the years. Every meet remains special as, like me, he is really into male strength, arm wrestling, wrestling, flexing etc. His physical stature is impressive and intimidating and his power is evident from the first seconds of locking up with him. Our battles have been real tests of power and stamina, and all of them have been so enjoyable and memorable. A huge powerhouse with a heart as big as his physique, and an incredibly nice personality. A true gent!!


Tombolausen is recommended by James87 (11/09/2020)

A year ago we met in a hotel room.
Thanks to his great physique he was able to withstand my techniques.
It was a great heel vs jobber match.
He is more inclined for submission but he also gave me a good pro wrestling match.
Nice and polite guy recommended both in and out of the ring.
I hope to have a chance to dominate him again soon.


James87 is recommended by Tombolausen (11/09/2020)

Met him last year in his hotel room, he was very kind to travel to Milan to make the match possible.
We had a nice heel vs jobber match in which he tortured me in lots of submission moves (Camel clutches, Boston crabs, Scissors, Racks) and pinned me countless times, just as we had agreed before our meeting.

All things considered, I absolutely recommend him. To all the jobbers out there, don't miss the opportunity to wrestle this heel!
