
Chuy94 is recommended by pacow273 (1/20/2020)

Un muy buen luchador, fuerte y resistente, no se rinde fácil y una excelente persona, lo refomiendo ampliamente!!


Skinnyblackbo is recommended by wrestleingear (1/20/2020)

He's a really nice guy, lots of fun to wrestle and he has a great little butt!


Npdubai is recommended by werwhower (1/20/2020)

I trash-talked Npdubai over text and ended up regretting it majorly! Dude is gentle and courteous off the mats, but the machine in him comes out once he gets into fighting mode. He put me into quite a few tight chokeholds I couldn't get out of, and we had great fun. Highly recommend him as an opponent. Looking forward to our next match!


pecs is recommended by Galifter84 (1/20/2020)

Pecs is a great guy with good reason to have his profile name; ample pec meat on him, good to pound on lol. Had a good time rolling with him.


ukwrestler is recommended by kensuke (1/20/2020)

He is really strong but kind.
I enjoyed an amazing match with him.


fenix857 is recommended by musclehunk (1/20/2020)

This hunk was tough to fight! Although the location was not ideal for submission wrestling we gave our best having a real challenge and test of power! In regards of our arm power it was quite balanced but against his powerful legs I had no chance! Therefore I finally ended up as the submitted loser and fenix87 as the posing and flexing winning hunk!
Guess we both enjoyed and I can warmly recommend this hot and strong hunk for a challenging but always safe and fair fight session! Look forward for a re-match when he is next time in town!


RWre13 is recommended by battlefox (1/20/2020)

Was a nice chance to meet this guy that come all across France to meet up with me. From the start his skills were very visible. I didn't underestimate him and were our stats à bit more similar i'm sure he would be victorious. He has much potential and either to find out what he can do in the future


sagittaron2 is recommended by Bearmaker (1/20/2020)

Finally got to roll with Sagittaron2 after months of chatting. He is a super guy who really loves to wrestle.

As had been said before...he is skilled and is tough as nails. He is very strong and full of energy.

We had a great time in Miami while wrestling and later while touring the city. I hope to grapple with him soon in Paris.


JocaSP is recommended by mewrestle (1/20/2020)

Very strong and skilled wrestler, highly recommended!


PJsubs is recommended by Cymrofight (1/20/2020)

It was good to get the chance to get down to PJ after a couple of years of trying. He's an excellent and generous host, and turns out to be a fellow Cymro from not too far from one of my workplaces. So the conversation was easy, and it was nice to find so many common interests and concerns. On the (excellent) mats he's extraordinary - fast, extremely powerful, deeply skilled, suitably and safely aggressive - a superb opponent for anyone who wants to good proper subs workout. He's right about the jitsu, but all I could do was constantly defend - attacks had no chance. He knows I'm glad he enjoyed it, because I certainly got a wrestling lesson. A through recommendation all round. Kind, generous, travelled and interesting - and as a subs wrestler absolutely the real deal. Get in the car or on the train: PJ is an opportunity not to be missed.
