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BearBoarMore is recommended by 4fun (10/20/2019)

Finally got to meet up with this guy... Great time on and off the mats, strong , and quick.... If you get a chance to take him on grab it. You won't be disappointed....


slowsubs is recommended by MSBlkMuscle (10/20/2019)

Update: 10/12/2019

Ron is a tough phucker. A Strong phucker. And a mean phucker on the mats but a great guy off the mats who can hold an interesting conversation. Before we met Double R challenged me to force him to tap.
WeII, I have to admit that I failed in my execution. I put him in various holds (bearhug, front body scissors, reverse head scissors, grapevine/full nelson (almost), and figure 4 headlock). Even though I couldn’t get him to tap, my figure 4 headlock turned his face beet red and he seemed to have suffered some. I tried to lock him in a grapevine/full nelson combo but after I had his legs immobilized, I tried to nelson him but my hands were too sweaty and I couldn’t get my fingers to lock.
Ron got me in a couple of holds. His mighty grip in the front bearhug gave me a nice chiropractic adjustment so he saved me a $30 co-pay. Then he got me in a reverse bearhug and that caused me a bit more pain because my belly is kinda my soft spot.
Then we did the test of strength and Double R used his low center or gravity to get under me before I was able to use my height and weight advantage to force him to his knees. Actually I had to break the hold because Double R has extremely strong hands that feel as if they were made of granite.
We arm wrestled with both our right and left. I won both. Of course Double R stated that his left arm was his weak wing while he said that he injured his right arm and it didn’t heal properly (wink, wink).
Double R has set up a rematch for us in Feb 2020 and my challenge which I have accepted is to make Double R tap at that time and I am training hard in the gym lifting and doing cardio to make Double R beg for mercy in less than four month….GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


New2itLV is recommended by wanttowrestle (10/20/2019)

Had a great time wrestling New2itLV. There was lots of sweaty muscleling and gut punching as we fought for control. He is strong and determined. I highly recommend New2itLV as an opponent.


wantowrsl is recommended by DKnight (10/20/2019)

Met this big man on his trip to Orlando. He loves to show off his power and is great at working a guy over. Super nice during and after the match and well worth the time. Make sure you take him on if he is in your area!


sportynord is recommended by Karl1955 (10/20/2019)

Nach vielem Schreiben und immer wieder Verschiebens, weil Du ja nicht in meiner Nähe wohnst, habe ich es endlich am 11. Oktober auf dem Weg nach Hannover zu einer Tagung geschafft, Dich endlich kennen zu lernen.

Schon als Du die Tür geöffnet hattest, habe ich gefragt, ob Du "Du" bist, weil ich mir einen Mann mit 79 Jahren älter vom Aussehen vorgestellt habe. Der Mann, der mir die Tür geöffnet hat, sah eher wie 65 - 70 Jahre alt aus, aber er war es wirklich.

Wir haben uns im Haus lange unterhalten, obwohl ich nur ein Zeitfenster von ca. 3 Stunden hatte, weil ich weiter zur Tagung nach Hannover musste.

Auf der Matte waren wir auch und ich war überrascht, welche Kraft er trotz seinens hohen Alters noch hat. Seine Haut sieht kein bisschen alt aus und seine Muskulatur ist erstaunlich fest.

Ich freue mich schon auf unsere nächste Begegnung, da er ein excellenter und sehr sympathischer Gastgeber ist.


slandon23 is recommended by Slam nj (10/20/2019)

Met Sam today for a match. He is extremely strong and made me think a lot today. He knows how to use weight and moves to get you to tap. Very strong and up there with some strong competition that I meet on this site. Very highly recommended to all but make sure your ready to wrestle


QuinnUK is recommended by WrestlerGoias (10/20/2019)

How can I describe Quinn?
Man... these was certainly one of my best wresting experiences. He’s big, tough and a true heel. A real alpha man like Quinn can ensure the perfect wrestling experience.

Lots of body splashes, scissors and more. Hope to wrestle him again someday


ChrisWrestling is recommended by Skrappy (10/20/2019)

Chris is almost as friendly as he is intimidating. Easily one of my favorite opponents—I can’t wait to go at it again. All references to his skill in recs are a bit understated. I’ve stepped up to bigger or stronger opponents before, but he was in a class all its own in dishing out ways to squeeze, choke, and twist out submissions I’d never seen before. He’s also a great coach when he’s not taking you apart.

Absolute highest recommendation! Don’t miss a chance to roll with this guy!


Hardmatch is recommended by Warkscub (10/19/2019)

Had the pleasure of hosting a match with this wonderful wrestler and genuinely nice, friendly guy. We had met at a group meet but didn't have the chance to wrestle then so we made up for it at my place.
Steve is a great wrestler, tough, skilled but very safe and makes a match a lot of fun. We had a good bout and looking forward to another when we get the opportunity.
Highly recommended!!


Gabe Steel is recommended by Gforce199 (10/19/2019)

Sexy guy who have a great dominance of pro wrestling, he has made me fly throughout the ring during our encounter with his amazing suplex. He is really nice and I would love to have his pro skills someday. He decided to give me an awesome wrestling match as my birthay's present. This muscleman has the power of a beast, if he catches you you are done. I'm sure it is the first fight of many, rarely Gabe is sexy and charming. I hope we can return a meeting soon! Un fuerte abrazo amigo!
