
HKgpfun is recommended by GutpunchJSB (2/17/2018)



secondsout is recommended by tzitzi (2/17/2018)

Yesterday was our first match but I hope we will become regular wrestling partners because of the attitude of this beefy, hot, hairy , strong wrestler. I spent sooo great time with him, he has nothing to prove , brings pure fun in rhe ring . Off the ring is extremely friendy and totally cool guy.
Absolutely adorable and recommended.


Tripolar is recommended by Self storage (2/17/2018)

Tripolar is a strong wrestler that I have had the luck to battle twice , great leg work and very helpful to a beginner
Great match looking forward to another challenge
100 percent nice guy


Worstel maatje is recommended by chriss (2/17/2018)

Worstelmaatje is een sterke tegenstander. Door mijn gebrek aan techniek en ervaring moest ik het onderspit delven. Door omstandigheden kon de match maar kort duren, ik hoop bij een volgende ontmoeting meer tegenstand,te kunnen bieden.
Worstelmaatje is een sportieve vent die rekenng houdt met de tegenstander. Ook buiten de mat een aardige en gastvrije vent.
Zeker aan te bevelen als tegenstander


Kevin is recommended by ProFunTO (2/17/2018) such an awesome guy, super friendly and nice off the mats! I had a great time wrestling him...he's surprisingly super strong, has killer tough abs, knows how to dish out the punishment and I think he really enjoys being a bad ass! Definitely a lot of fun and looking forward to wrestling again! :)


wrestlemedc is recommended by wrestlercgn (2/17/2018)

Very kind and decent guy on and off the mat. He is obviously much stronger as it appears on the photos. Don’t miss him if you have the chance!


rasslin bodybuilder is recommended by Wrestledad (2/17/2018)

I had a very fun match with this big guy. He has a really impressive physique and is able to give and take punishing promission holds equally well. He stretches way more than you would expect for a guy of his size and really gets into selling his suffering! He is also a great heel, he knows how to apply holds safely but with enough pressure to keep his victim suffering!
You should definitely wrestle this guy if you are into working over beefy muscle jobbers or want to get destroyed by a tough mean heel.


tzitzi is recommended by secondsout (2/17/2018)

Tzitzi is an excellent guy to wrestle. Feisty, determined opponent to take on in the ring. Handsome, friendly guy with a strong, muscular body who looks impressive in his speedos. Safe and sane guy who brings an excellent match attitude ensuring both guys have a great wrestle...totally recommended.


pndfighter is recommended by Tanker (2/16/2018)

Sept 17- Ahem yes..... We did have rather a short roll. Someone (Not me) seemed rather out of breath & muttered something about my "veight vos a problem" & needed to stop! (To be fair he vos nursing an old knee injury).
Delighted that I was not as slow as expected!
Always a pleasure to to wrestle such an accomplished opponent as Herr Philipp, who is very fast & agile, but felt totally safe with him. Was outclassed and spent my time on the defensive. All my attacks were swiftly blocked & matched with his own counter. Vos pleased with my defence (would have been totally disorientated by him until quite recently & thrown in the towel). Or perhaps being a nice guy he was just wrestling at my level!
ANYWAY do meet him if you get the chance, lovely guy, gsoh (As you can see lol) fantastic legs (especially the thighs)! Speaks English beautifully & fluently but perhaps his pronunciation of words beginning with W needs a little vork! But still way better than my German!


Latinpecs is recommended by joetaz (2/16/2018)

Increible luchador con un cuerpo macizo y musculoso . Ademas tiene una fuerza increible y es muy dificil de vencer. Tuvimos una lucha de las cuales me encantaria repetir. TOTALMENTE RECOMENDABLE.
